Product testing helps in minimizing risk of innovation Product testing

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Product testing helps in minimizing the risk of innovation

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Before launching new items to the market, brands will pay customers hundreds of dollars to review their products and complete questionnaires. Product testing, aka pilot testing, helps businesses to determine whether their product has a viable market. Using surveys you can collect feedback from present & potential customers to ensure a better chance of success in the market.

What are the uses of product testing?

There are as many reasons to run this type of survey as there are different types of product testing. The goal of a test is determined by the sort of product being reviewed, the current stage of development, and other considerations.

Product testing helps in minimizing risk of innovation Product testing

Here are some of the vital uses;

1. Concept and design screening

You can test your products early in the development phase to examine the viability of various concepts and designs. Testing can assist you in eliminating failed concepts and selecting the best-performing ones.

2. Creating a baseline for other functions

The survey can serve as a foundation for product development. You can use the feedback to meet the quality standards of the products and the market requirement. 

3. Validating intended purpose

You can conduct extensive testing on a product before mass producing it and introducing it to the market to assure it will work as expected and serve its intended purpose. These assessments can assist a firm in identifying faults before initiating large-scale manufacturing or selling it to clients, saving money and boosting the company’s reputation with customers.

4. Assuring product safety 

Product testing is also essential for ensuring a product’s safety. Many items are legally obliged to be tested to guarantee compliance with safety laws, and customers may refuse to purchase some products if they have not been tested for safety. Product safety testing protects the manufacturer as well as the customer by decreasing liability worries.

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Types of product testing and their advantages.

There are 5 ways you can test your product based on what and how you want to run the test. Let’s explore these five ways.

1. Concept testing

The feasibility of your earliest product ideas is investigated through concept testing. It’s a method of ‘testing the waters on certain product concepts or directions by employing written or oral presentations, questionnaires, paper prototypes, or wireframes.


  • It helps determine whether to pursue an idea before investing in major resources.
  • Customer feedback can help understand if the product idea will be well-received. 
  • It frequently provides fresh insights, allowing you to better grasp what your users require.

2. Quality assurance testing

Often conducted in production or staging settings, this type of product testing is critical throughout the product development process. It might entail writing and running test cases (for example, going over what happens if a user attempts to utilize a feature but forgets to submit a required file); full-scale, in-depth regression testing for modifications and features; performance testing; and sanity testing.

Product testing helps in minimizing risk of innovation Product testing


  • Determining if the product works as planned.
  • Detecting flaws and faults as soon as possible.
  • Product functionality insights.
  • Detecting blocks before startup to avoid user irritation.

3. Split testing A/B

A/B testing is a frequent form of test that includes dividing your user base into two groups and presenting them with two versions of a product, service, or feature. There should only be one variable, however, it might be trivial (such as utilizing a different color button) or major (like a different feature hierarchy). The most effective A/B testing solutions simplify or automate the process.


  • Provides detailed answers to product design questions.
  • A quick technique to reduce the danger of new ideas.
  • Can be carried out with existing product users.

4. Multivariate testing

Multivariate tests have similar ideas to A/B product testing. But unlike A/B tests, which only change one variable at a time, multivariate tests experiment with numerous variables or many parts of the user base. Multivariate tests experiment with several variable combinations to find the most successful.


  • Saves time over performing several A/B tests one after the other. 
  • Provides an overall picture of how much each variable influences the product experience.

5. Tree testing

Users are provided a simplified sitemap with a tree-like hierarchy in tree testing methodologies. Then they are given particular activities to perform that assess how simple it is to reach the product features they want and provide insights into its navigability.


  • Can provide immediate proof that the user path and product navigability are clear.
  • Identifies what needs to be reorganized or relabeled for the best user experience.
  • Quick tests that are simple to administer and provide clear responses to usability problems.

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What are the various product testing stages?

The following steps of product testing are described:

1.  Development of requirements

First, pick which products to test and which elements of the product to examine. The features you’ll need to consider for testing the product are determined by your aims.

2. Creating a test plan

Following that, you must map out your testing strategy. This plan will include the scope of the tests, the method you will use to gather data, the equipment, and other resources needed, as well as the testing schedule.

3. Testing

The testing environment will then be configured according to the product testing parameters specified in your plan. You will begin performing the tests in line with your predefined plan after the testing environment has been set up and all of the necessary equipment has been placed.

4. Results evaluation

Following the exam, you will assess and report the findings. You can investigate any product failures or performance issues to determine the root cause and how to remedy those problems in future design iterations to improve product performance & prevent failures. If there were faults in the test, you must investigate them, alter your test technique, and rerun the evaluation.

How do product testing surveys help in minimizing the risk of innovation?

A product testing survey helps businesses to get critical customer feedback before launching new items on the market. Here are the top 3 reasons telling about how this survey helps in reducing innovation risk and increasing chances of success.

Product testing helps in minimizing risk of innovation Product testing

1. Product design testing

You’ll reach the visualization stage when you’ve verified your new product idea and decided on its features. This is where you sketch up many ideas for how the product may appear. A product testing survey focused on design aesthetics can assist guarantee that your product is as appealing to purchasers as feasible. 

2. Packaging designs are being tested

These surveys can assist you at any step of the design process, including developing an excellent package design for your new product. Packaging should not be disregarded because it adds a visual appeal to the marketing of your product.

Packaging must be attractive, give customers the right information, and resonate with the brand image. This involves including the most convincing messaging on the pack.

3. Increase customer retention

It’s quite easy to locate a replacement for what a customer perceives to be a poor user experience amid a sea of items. That is why it is critical to understand what your consumers think are the positive and negative aspects of your product and to utilize this information to deliver a better product experience which in return boosts customer retention. 

Customers that are pleased with a brand become brand champions, people who will suggest your goods to their family and friends.

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Product testing tips

Here are some tips when running a product survey.

1. Use a variety of methods: Using various product testing methodologies can help offer clear direction across all stages of development.

For example, your team may employ concept testing to explore the validity of a product idea, A/B testing to evaluate its design, and QA testing to ensure the product works as intended.

2. Keep assumptions to a minimum: Though developing a hypothesis before product testing is beneficial, avoid making assumptions about how customers will use or respond to a product. This approach enables you to objectively assess facts and make decisions in the best interests of your consumers.

3. Test successful goods: While such testing is necessary to discover prospective problems or dangers, it is also beneficial to test successful products to learn what is currently functioning effectively. Collect this knowledge through product testing and utilize it to build new goods for continuing success.


Product testing can help you achieve product refinement, find and correct design defects in new items, and assuring quality compliance.

Companies can test products top-down, starting with the overall product or system, or bottom-up, starting with individual components. Individual component testing is redundant if the final result operates well, hence a top-down approach may be desirable. A bottoms-up approach may reveal the root cause of failures or performance issues.

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