Survey bubble 01

Survey Features

Drag and drop survey question​

Create engaging surveys with drag and drop functionality. 

Get your current survey solution evaluated by our experts.

What is a “Drag and Drop Survey”, and how does it work in a survey/questionnaire?

The drag and drop survey question is a type of rank order scaling question. It allows users to rank options in an order of preference based on an attribute asked in the question.

Drag and drop surveys are extremely handy when it comes to creating interactive surveys and keeping respondents engaged. It’s extremely smartphone or tablet friendly as well, and interacting with this type comes naturally to respondents.

What are the advantages of drag and drop surveys​?

These surveys are extremely handy for researchers creating questionnaires which require multiple choices to be made, and there is a need to rank these choices in a certain order.

Easy to understand: What you see is what you get, and respondents seldom have issues interacting with this survey type.

Convenient for smartphones and tablet usage: Drag and drop surveys are extremely easy to respond to for mobile and tablet users.

Engaging: Dragging and dropping elements across the screen to a corresponding list makes these surveys interesting for users.

Quick to create: Creating drag and drop questions for surveys is a simple process, especially with Voxco’s online survey software.

See the Drag and drop questions in action

Check out how to use a Drag and drop survey question in a survey​

Where can you use drag and drop surveys?​

You can use this survey type in questions where you need ascertain user preferences for a certain object such as:

UI testing: Understand if your respondents are liking potential changes to your product’s UI

Brand preference: Give your respondents the ability to show where they rate your brand in regards to the competition

Drag and Drop survey type example

Drag and Drop functionality is ideally suited to asking questions where you need to determine an order in the response submitted.

For example, You would like to know about the respondent’s food preferences.

Q)Rate in order of preference your favorite cuisine from the list provided:

  • Pizza
  • Pasta
  • Sushi
  • Ribs
  • Burger

The user will then have to “drag” their answer from the options given above, and “drop” it into the slot marked for answers.

Experience Innovative Survey Features and Drive Informed Decision-Making with Voxco Insights

✓ Drag-and-drop Interface 

✓ 40+ Question Types 

✓ Skip Logic and Branching

Voxco is trusted by Top 50 Market Research firms, Global Brands & Universities in 40 countries. Voxco offers full omnichannel capability including CATI, Predictive Dialler, Online surveys, offline CAPI, and Panel Management.

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