Transactional NPS Face to Face Surveys

Transactional NPS® (tNPS®)


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What is Net Promoter Score®(NPS®)?

Transactional NPS Face to Face Surveys

Net Promoter Score®, or NPS®, is a customer satisfaction metric that measures how likely a company’s customers are to recommend their products or services to others. 

There are two main types of NPS®, namely Transactional NPS® (or tNPS®) and relationship NPS®(or rNPS®). Transactional NPS® is used to collect customer feedback at different touchpoints within the customer journey while relationship NPS® is used to collect feedback periodically (monthly, quarterly, annually). Within this article, we will specifically delve into transactional NPS®, its types, and its advantages and disadvantages. 

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What is Transactional NPS® (tNPS®)?

Transactional NPS Face to Face Surveys

Transactional NPS® surveys collect NPS® feedback at a granular level after specific touchpoints. These touchpoints refer to any type of interaction customers have with a business including; 

  • Purchase
  • Product Delivery
  • Social Media Interaction
  • Store Visit
  • Customer Service Call
  • Website Interaction
  • Sales Contact

Transactional NPS® is therefore used to determine customer sentiment in regard to a specific interaction. The feedback collected through tNPS® surveys is immediate as it is collected right after an interaction is complete. This allows businesses to capture information on customer sentiment right after a touchpoint when the interaction is still fresh in the customer’s mind. The information collected through tNPS® surveys helps organizations identify pain points within the customer journey, as well as gaps between customer experience and customer expectations.

The Difference between tNPS® and rNPS®

Transactional NPS® surveys are used to collect customer feedback in regard to specific interactions within the customer journey. Relationship NPS®, on the other hand, is used to collect customer feedback in regard to the customer’s cumulative interactions with the organization. Therefore, rNPS® provides information on the strength of the customer’s relationship with the organization. 

Another key difference between tNPS® and rNPS® is that tNPS® surveys are conducted right after specific interactions and are therefore dynamic in nature whereas rNPS® surveys are pre-planned and are conducted after dedicated intervals (quarterly, bi-annually, annually). 

Types of tNPS®

The following are a few useful types of tNPS® surveys that can be used by organizations to gather useful information regarding customer satisfaction:

  • Onboarding: The customer onboarding process is an integral stage of the customer journey. It is useful to conduct a tNPS® survey for newly onboarded customers to obtain information regarding what influences customer churn and what influences customer retention. 
  • Post-Purchase: By sending customers a tNPS® survey right after they place an order, you can gain an understanding of how satisfied customers are with their purchasing experience. Additionally, if any issues occurred during their purchase, the tNPS® survey will allow you to measure the impact the issues had on customer loyalty. 
  • Customer Service: It is a good idea to conduct tNPS® surveys whenever customers interact with your customer service as this can provide you with information on which service channels are best appreciated by customers and will also help you identify the different issues that may occur due to customer service. 

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Advantages of tNPS®

  • Touchpoint-specific Information: Transactional NPS®a surveys provide organizations with data on customer satisfaction levels at individual touchpoints. This helps identify the touchpoints within the customer journey where CX is not reaching customer expectations and therefore which touchpoints need to be improved on. 
  • Immediate Feedback: tNPS®surveys are presented to customers right after an interaction, allowing an organization to collect immediate feedback that reflects exactly how a customer felt right after the interaction. 
  • Helps Identify Painpoints: The tNPS® survey allows organizations to outline pain points within the customer journey, pinpointing exactly where CX needs to be enhanced.  

Disadvantages of tNPS®

  • Doesn’t Collect Information on the Cause of Dissatisfaction: When open-ended questions aren’t used in tNPS®surveys, the information gathered doesn’t indicate the reasons for low or high ratings. 
  • Time-Consuming to Analyse: When open-ended questions are included in tNPS® surveys, the qualitative information gathered is generally time-consuming to analyse and extract insights from.

FAQs on Transactional NPS®

 Relationship NPS® surveys are pre-planned and are conducted periodically at specific time intervals. They are used to gather information regarding a customer’s relationship with the organization. Transactional NPS® surveys, on the other hand, are sent directly after specific touchpoints to gather information regarding customer satisfaction at different touchpoints within the customer journey. 

Some advantages of tNPS® are that it provides touchpoint-specific information, it allows organizations to identify pain points within the customer journey, and it acquires immediate feedback. 

Some disadvantages of tNPS® are that when open-ended questions aren’t included in the survey, it doesn’t collect information on the cause(s) of dissatisfaction. This makes it hard to pinpoint what exactly influences customer loyalty. Additionally, when open-ended questions are used, the data collected is hard to analyse and derive insights from. 

Transactional NPS® surveys should be used when organizations want to collect information regarding customer satisfaction at specific touchpoints.

Net Promoter®, NPS®, NPS Prism®, and the NPS-related emoticons are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc., and Fred Reichheld. Net Promoter Score℠ and Net Promoter System℠ are service marks of Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc., and Fred Reichheld.

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