Path to Purchase Survey Template

Understand the key drivers of the purchase using this survey template.

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Path to Purchase Survey

Here's a sneak peek

The Path to Purchase survey is a market research study that allows organizations to track the key drivers to purchase. It identifies the path taken by the user to conduct in-depth studies. 

Access the survey template to see the basic survey template for path to purchase studies. 

Download Voice of the Customer Survey template

Why Voxco is the best bet for Voice of the Customer (VoC) Surveys?

Are you finding it challenging to retain customers? Want to identify the customer’s pain points? Voxco’s Voice of the Customer survey is all you need! With an aim to engage customers at every stage of their journey, Voxco’s powerful and logic-driven VoC solutions ensure to: 

  • Maximize respondent reach with comprehensive phone, web & face to face surveys.
  • Create dynamic dashboards & analytics (via drag & drop functionality) for delving deeper into data. 
  • Boost efficiency with best-in-class premium support & call center guidance that saves time. 
  • Tailor your surveys with intuitive and powerful survey flow logic options to gather actionable data.