Voxco Research

NPS® Feedback Collection

Look beyond the scores & uncover the “Why” behind every rating. 

SaaS or On-premise.

User-friendly interface.

NPS Feedback Collection

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How to customize NPS® follow-up question!!!

Learn about the ‘good,’bad,’ and ‘could be better’ of customer experience with NPS®  feedback collection. 


Ask for customers’ ratings:

Use the standard NPS® rating question to gather respondents’ scores on “likelihood to recommend”.

NPS Feedback Collection
NPS Feedback Collection


Add a general follow-up question:

Don’t stop at the score; engage your respondent to gather insight on their rating. Ask them to share their opinion and their reason for the score.


Customize the questions as per the score:

Customize the follow-up question based on three categories – Promoters, Passives, and Detractors. Personalize each question to add your brand’s unique voice and go beyond a generic “Why”.

NPS Feedback Collection
NPS Feedback Collection


Analyze the response of each category:

Gather open-ended customer feedback using NPS® feedback collection and extract actionable insights. Find patterns and uncover sentiment across the three segments.

Two-step NPS® surveys

Create customer-focused strategies with insights straight from customers.

NPS Feedback Collection

Boost customer engagement.

Ask the right follow-up question to boost customer engagement and response rate.

NPS Feedback Collection

Understand customers’ expectations.

Elicit insightful responses to understand customers’ expectations.

NPS Feedback Collection

Gather targeted feedback.

Uncover what’s leading up to the good or bad experience.