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> Fonctionnalités d’enquête online
Utilisez Voxco CATI avec Cloud Dialer & Voxco SVI pour améliorer de 400% votre productivité.
Analysez les données d’enquête avec des tableaux de bord visuels, des rapports approfondis et effectuez une analyse statistique complexe.
Le logiciel Voxco Research Cloud ™ maximise les moyens d’atteindre vos répondants. Tous les modes font partie d’une seule et même plateforme logicielle d’enquêtes omnicanale centralisée. Par conséquent, quelle que soit la façon dont vous interrogez les répondants, les données restent au même endroit (même sur site!).
Siena College uses Voxco Survey Software for NY Times Upshot Polls 3M Phone Calls | 96 Polls
ReconMR raised productivity by 40 % & scaled to 5 call centers with Voxco
D G Solutions grew their business by 4x in a single year!
Frost & Sullivan conducted 100k surveys across 300 industries annually with Voxco
Impliquez les répondants de votre enquête avec :
+ Différents types de questions d’enquête
+ Logique de branchement avancés
+ Logique intuitive d’enquête
+ Thèmes esthétiques
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+ Des tableaux de bord dynamiques qui donnent vie aux données
+ Des tableaux croisés et des analyses statistiques rapides
+ Un portail sécurisé pour partager les résultats
+ L’analyse visuelle en un clic
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Centre d’informations
Un logiciel d’enquête est un type d’application qui facilite la conception, le déploiement et l’analyse de sondages. Il s’agit d’un outil de collecte de données qui simplifie le processus d’obtention de commentaires en fournissant aux organisations des outils d’enquête qui permettent une expérience sans friction.
Les logiciels d’enquête peuvent être utilisés à différentes fins, notamment :
Diverses solutions logicielles d’enquête ont des ensembles de fonctionnalités et des capacités différents. Les organisations doivent viser à sélectionner le meilleur logiciel d’enquête en fonction de la solution qui répondra le mieux à leurs besoins et exigences. Par exemple, si vous avez besoin d’une solution d’enquête capable de collecter des commentaires via plusieurs canaux tout en les stockant sur une seule plateforme intégrée, vous aurez besoin d’un logiciel d’enquête omnicanal.
Il existe deux principaux types de logiciels d’enquête, à savoir les logiciels de sondage en ligne et les logiciels d’enquête Offline. Examinons brièvement les deux :
Logiciel d’enquête en Ligne
Un logiciel d’enquête en ligne est un outil qui vous permet de collecter des informations exploitables à partir des données grâce à l’utilisation de sondages ou de formulaires en ligne. Ils prennent généralement la forme d’enquêtes par e-mail, d’enquêtes sur des sites Web et de sondages/enquêtes sur les réseaux sociaux. Un logiciel d’enquête en ligne est légèrement différent d’un logiciel d’enquête Offline qui permet également aux répondants de remplir des enquêtes et des formulaires sans connexion Internet en direct.
Logiciel d’Enquête Offline
Un logiciel d’enquête Offline est un outil qui facilite la réalisation d’enquêtes même en l’absence de connexion Internet. Les sondages Offline prennent souvent la forme de sondages menés en face-à-face ou par téléphone. Un logiciel d’enquête Offline peut être plus pratique pour les répondants, car il leur donne la possibilité de répondre à des sondages même sans connexion Internet en direct ou stable tout en leur offrant tous les avantages que présenterait un logiciel d’enquête en ligne.
Voici quelques fonctionnalités clés d’un logiciel d’enquête :
Modèles d’enquêtes
Un logiciel d’enquêtes vous donne accès à des modèles d’enquête prédéfinis qui simplifient la création et la conception de sondages. Le logiciel disposera d’une bibliothèque de modèles d’enquête proposant celles couramment utilisées telles que l’enquête Net Promoter Score, l’enquête Customer Effort Score et l’enquête Customer Satisfaction Score. Les modèles d’enquête accélèrent le processus de création d’enquêtes, car vous pouvez simplement sélectionner un modèle et le personnaliser selon vos besoins plutôt que de créer un sondage à partir de zéro.
Générateur d’Enquêtes
Un générateur d’enquêtes est un outil d’enquête qui utilise généralement une interface glisser-déposer pour de nombreuses tâches différentes telles que la conception d’enquêtes, le morphing de questions et la prévisualisation d’enquêtes. Bien qu’il repose sur d’autres conditions pour définir le comportement de l’enquête, le générateur d’enquêtes peut créer la fonction et l’aspect frontal de l’enquête.
Capacités multilingues
Lors de la recherche d’un public cible qui parle plusieurs langues, il est essentiel de disposer d’un outil d’enquête doté de capacités multilingues. Les meilleurs logiciels d’enquête vous permettront de mener des enquêtes dans le monde entier en simplifiant le processus de création d’enquêtes en plusieurs langues, éliminant ainsi le besoin d’embaucher des traducteurs pour créer votre sondage.
Logique d’Enquêtes
La logique d’enquête est une fonctionnalité qui permet aux personnes interrogées d’ignorer automatiquement les sections d’une enquête qui ne leur sont pas applicables. Par exemple, si une section de votre sondage ne s’applique qu’aux répondants d’un groupe démographique d’âge spécifique, ceux qui n’appartiennent pas à ce groupe démographique ne verront pas cette section du sondage ; elle sera ignorée.
Analyse des données
L’analyse des données est un autre outil d’enquête en ligne qui facilite le processus d’enquête. Différents logiciels d’enquête ont différentes capacités d’analyse de données qui peuvent aller de l’affichage de résumés de base à la réalisation d’analyses plus avancées telles que la tabulation croisée, la pondération et d’autres techniques statistiques multivariées.
Support multimédia
Le meilleur logiciel d’enquête vous permet d’incorporer du contenu multimédia dans votre sondage. Cela inclut les médias sous forme d’images, de clips audio et de clips vidéo. Il s’agit d’un outil de sondage utile qui vous permet de créer des sondages intéressants et interactifs fidélisant ainsi les répondants
Afin de rester compétitives, les entreprises doivent constamment recueillir les commentaires de leurs clients. Cela leur permet d’optimiser leurs produits et services pour répondre aux attentes des clients. Un logiciel d’enquête facilite cette collecte et cette analyse de données afin que les entreprises puissent obtenir des informations exploitables qui les aident à améliorer le parcours client de bout en bout.
Pour comprendre l’importance des logiciels d’enquête, examinons certains de leurs principaux avantages :
Un logiciel d’enquête peut servir à plusieurs cas d’utilisation en fonction des besoins de l’entreprise. Des commentaires réguliers sont nécessaires pour que toute entreprise garde son avance sur ses concurrents. Voici les quelques cas d’utilisation d’un logiciel d’enquête :
Expérience client
Les entreprises doivent s’assurer que les clients sont satisfaits avec leurs produits ou services afin de générer des revenus récurrents. Le coût d’acquisition d’un nouveau client est 5 fois supérieur à celui de la fidélisation d’un client. L’utilisation d’un logiciel d’enquête pour mener des enquêtes sur l’expérience client permet aux organisations de comprendre les perceptions des clients, de représenter graphiquement leurs besoins et d’élaborer des stratégies pour y répondre en temps réel.
Etude de marché
Une étude de marché est un élément crucial pour toute entreprise, car elle fournit des informations sur le paysage concurrentiel, les opportunités, la perception de la marque ou facilite les décisions stratégiques telles que l’introduction d’un nouveau produit ou l’entrée sur un nouveau marché. La réalisation régulière d’études de marché à l’aide d’un logiciel d’enquête aide les organisations à suivre en temps réel la perception de leur marque, de leurs clients et de la concurrence.
Lorsque les employés aiment leur environnement de travail, ils contribuent avec plus d’enthousiasme. Garder une trace de l’engagement, du sentiment et de la satisfaction des employés en effectuant régulièrement des enquêtes sur l’expérience des employés à l’aide d’un logiciel d’enquête est devenu une exigence. Les dirigeants peuvent approfondir les performances des employés et les comparer avec d’autres mesures pour s’assurer que le taux de perte d’employés est contrôlé et que l’ambiance de travail est positive.
Survey software is a type of application that facilitates the designing, deploying, and analysis of surveys. It is a data collection tool that simplifies the process of obtaining feedback by providing organizations with survey tools that enable a frictionless surveying experience.
Survey software can be used for a range of different purposes, including:
Different survey software solutions have different feature sets and capabilities. Organizations should aim to select the best survey software based on which solution will best meet their needs and requirements. For example, if you require a survey solution that can collect feedback through multiple channels while storing it on a single integrated platform, you will require an omnichannel survey software.
There are two major types of survey software, namely online survey software and offline survey software. Let’s briefly explore the two:
Online survey software is a tool that allows you to collect actionable insights from survey data through the use of online surveys or forms. They usually take the form of email surveys, websites surveys, and social media polls/surveys. Online survey software is slightly different from offline survey software that also allows respondents to fill out surveys and forms in the absence of a live internet connection.
Offline survey software is a tool that facilitates conducting surveys even with the absence of an internet connection. Offline surveys often take the form of surveys conducted face-to-face or through the phone.
Offline survey software can be more convenient for respondents as it gives them the ability to respond to surveys even without a live or stable internet connection while providing them with all the benefits that an online survey software would.
The following are some key features of survey software:
Survey software gives you access to pre-built survey templates that simplify the creation and designing of surveys. The software will have a survey template library with commonly used surveys such as Net Promoter Score survey, Customer Effort Score survey, and Customer Satisfaction Score survey. Survey templates quicken the process of creating surveys as you can just select a survey template and customize it to your needs rather than creating a survey from scratch.
A survey builder is a survey tool that typically uses a drag-and-drop interface for many different tasks such as survey designing, question morphing, and survey previewing. Although it relies on other conditions to set how the survey behaves, the survey builder can create the function and front-end look of the survey.
When conducting research of a target audience that speaks multiple languages, it is integral to have a survey tool that has multilingual capabilities. The best survey softwares will allow you to conduct surveys around the world by simplifying the process of creating surveys in multiple languages, eliminating the need for you to hire translators to create your survey in different languages.
Survey logic is a feature that allows respondents to automatically skip sections of a survey that aren’t applicable to them. For instance, if a section of your survey is only applicable to respondents of a specific age demographic, those who don’t qualify as a part of this demographic will not be shown this section of the survey; it will be skipped.
Data analysis is another online survey tool that assists the surveying process. Different survey software have different data analysis capabilities that can range from showing basic summaries to conducting more advanced analysis’ such as cross-tabulation, weighting, and other multivariate statistical techniques.
The best survey software allows you to incorporate multimedia into your survey. This includes media in the form of images, audio clips, and video clips. This is a useful survey tool that allows you to create interesting and interactive surveys that keep respondents engaged.
In order to remain competitive, businesses need to constantly collect feedback from their customers. This allows them to optimize their products and services to meet customer expectations. Survey software facilitates this data collection and analysis so that businesses can obtain actionable insights that help them improve the end-to-end customer journey.
To understand the importance of survey software, let’s take a look at some of its key advantages:
Survey software can be used for multiple use cases according to the business requirements. Regular feedback is necessary for any business to stay ahead of it’s competitors. Here are the few use cases for a survey software:
Businesses need to ensure that the customers are satisfied with the products or services in order to generate recurring revenue. The cost of acquiring a new customer is 5 times more than retaining a customer. Using survey software to conduct customer experience surveys enables organizations to understand customer perceptions, graph their requirements and strategize to meet their requirements in real time.
Market Research is a crucial part of any business as it provides insights about the competitive landscape, opportunities, brand perception or makes strategic decisions like entering a new product or market easier. Conducting market research surveys using survey software on a regular basis helps organizations to keep track of their brand, customer and competition perception in real time.
When employees love the work culture, they contribute more enthusiastically. Keeping a track of employee engagement, sentiment and satisfaction by conducting regular employee experience surveys using survey software has become a requirement. Leaders can deep dive into employee performance and compare it with other metrics to ensure that the churn rate is controlled and work culture is positive.
Survey software is a type of application that facilitates the designing, deploying, and analysis of surveys. It is a data collection tool that simplifies the process of obtaining feedback by providing organizations with survey tools that enable a frictionless surveying experience.
Survey software can be used for a range of different purposes, including:
Businesses today rely on customer feedback to provide a good customer experience and to remain competitive within their industry. Customer feedback surveys allow organizations to collect customer feedback regarding a specific goal. For instance, if a business wants to measure the levels of customer loyalty among their customer base, they can use the survey software to conduct a Net Promoter Score Survey.
As the name suggests, employee satisfaction surveys allow businesses to collect feedback from their workforce to measure and analyse their satisfaction levels in regard to their workplace/organization. Such surveys are vital to ensure that employees remain happy because satisfied employees deliver better output and are also more loyal toward their organization.
Survey software is commonly used to conduct market research surveys. These surveys are used by businesses to understand different aspects of their target market. This allows them to make customer-centric decisions such as setting the optimal price for their product based on customer feedback.
Post-event surveys are sent to attendees after an event to measure their satisfaction in regard to the event. This includes post-event surveys sent to attendees after online events such as a webinar or an online conference.
Customers churn is higher for most of the products due to the availibility of multiple options to switch to. Focusing on user experience while using the product, mapping customer journey throughout product and conducting regular in-product surveys using a survey software help organizations understand the painpoints and work on improving them.
Survey software are used by universities and non-profit organizations to conduct large scale & multi-year studies to understand impact of a certain parameter on society and it's people. In this case, informative research is conducted using multiple modes like phone, offline and online to improve their dataset and the use of an omnichannel survey software becomes a must.
Market Research organizations that conduct large panel studies have to collect data from multiple data sources quickly. These organizations use CATI survey software to conduct large scale studies in short amount of time.
During elections or any kind of major events, research organizations or media companies try to gauge the sentiment of the general public using opinion or polling research using a survey software. Using such a study, the organizations try to predict certain outcomes with a certain accuracy.
Government conducts surveys to understand the citizen's sentiment towards it's services. Well promoted, large scale regular surveys conducted using an omnichannel survey software help government to understand the major requirements and strategize to provide long-term benefits for it's population.
Different survey software solutions have different feature sets and capabilities. Organizations should aim to select the best survey software based on which solution will best meet their needs and requirements. For example, if you require a survey solution that can collect feedback through multiple channels while storing it on a single integrated platform, you will require an omnichannel survey software.
There are two major types of survey software, namely online survey software and offline survey software. Let’s briefly explore the two:
Online survey software is a tool that allows you to collect actionable insights from survey data through the use of online surveys or forms. They usually take the form of email surveys, websites surveys, and social media polls/surveys. Online survey software is slightly different from offline survey software that also allows respondents to fill out surveys and forms in the absence of a live internet connection.
Offline survey software is a tool that facilitates conducting surveys even with the absence of an internet connection. Offline surveys often take the form of surveys conducted face-to-face or through the phone. Offline survey software can be more convenient for respondents as it gives them the ability to respond to surveys even without a live or stable internet connection while providing them with all the benefits that an online survey software would.
The following are some key features of survey software:
Survey software gives you access to pre-built survey templates that simplify the creation and designing of surveys. The software will have a survey template library with commonly used surveys such as Net Promoter Score survey, Customer Effort Score survey, and Customer Satisfaction Score survey. Survey templates quicken the process of creating surveys as you can just select a survey template and customize it to your needs rather than creating a survey from scratch.
A survey builder is a survey tool that typically uses a drag-and-drop interface for many different tasks such as survey designing, question morphing, and survey previewing. Although it relies on other conditions to set how the survey behaves, the survey builder can create the function and front-end look of the survey.
When conducting research of a target audience that speaks multiple languages, it is integral to have a survey tool that has multilingual capabilities. The best survey softwares will allow you to conduct surveys around the world by simplifying the process of creating surveys in multiple languages, eliminating the need for you to hire translators to create your survey in different languages.
Survey logic is a feature that allows respondents to automatically skip sections of a survey that aren’t applicable to them. For instance, if a section of your survey is only applicable to respondents of a specific age demographic, those who don’t qualify as a part of this demographic will not be shown this section of the survey; it will be skipped.
Data analysis is another online survey tool that assists the surveying process. Different survey software have different data analysis capabilities that can range from showing basic summaries to conducting more advanced analysis’ such as cross-tabulation, weighting, and other multivariate statistical techniques.
The best survey software allows you to incorporate multimedia into your survey. This includes media in the form of images, audio clips, and video clips. This is a useful survey tool that allows you to create interesting and interactive surveys that keep respondents engaged.
In order to remain competitive, businesses need to constantly collect feedback from their customers. This allows them to optimize their products and services to meet customer expectations. Survey software facilitates this data collection and analysis so that businesses can obtain actionable insights that help them improve the end-to-end customer journey.
To understand the importance of survey software, let’s take a look at some of its key advantages:
The best survey solutions facilitate the creation of professional surveys while simplifying the process of survey creation significantly.
A lot of survey solutions will have an existing network of respondents across different categories such as demography, geography, industry, and profession. When you use such a survey solution, you have access to their network of respondents which can be a huge advantage if you lack an existing pool of respondents.
Another advantage is that survey software can analyse and extract insights in real-time, even when working with a complex combination of datasets.
Although most survey software have a library of pre-built survey templates, these templates can be customized to meet your requirements. Additionally, the best survey softwares even allow organizations to brand their surveys.
One of the most eminent benefits of survey software is that it is cost-effective and allows surveys to be replicated and distributed at a low cost. Additionally, compared to manual surveys, online surveys require a much smaller team of personnel, which further reduces costs.
Survey software can be used for multiple use cases according to the business requirements. Regular feedback is necessary for any business to stay ahead of it’s competitors. Here are the few use cases for a survey software:
Businesses need to ensure that the customers are satisfied with the products or services in order to generate recurring revenue. The cost of acquiring a new customer is 5 times more than retaining a customer. Using survey software to conduct customer experience surveys enables organizations to understand customer perceptions, graph their requirements and strategize to meet their requirements in real time.
Market Research is a crucial part of any business as it provides insights about the competitive landscape, opportunities, brand perception or makes strategic decisions like entering a new product or market easier. Conducting market research surveys using survey software on a regular basis helps organizations to keep track of their brand, customer and competition perception in real time.
When employees love the work culture, they contribute more enthusiastically. Keeping a track of employee engagement, sentiment and satisfaction by conducting regular employee experience surveys using survey software has become a requirement. Leaders can deep dive into employee performance and compare it with other metrics to ensure that the churn rate is controlled and work culture is positive.
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