What is a Consumer Survey? Definition, Types, Uses, and More


What is a Consumer Survey? Definition, Types, Uses, and More Causal Research
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The voice of your customers is crucial for your business. What they have to say about the products or services that you offer can make or break your brand reputation and affect the overall business growth. This is why it is important that you gather regular feedback from your consumers to gain actionable insights that can help you take the next best action to improve the overall customer experience. One tool that can help you do this is a ‘consumer survey.’ 

If you don’t already know what it is and how it can help a business, stay with us. Read on as we explore all the different aspects of a consumer survey in this blog. 

Let’s start with the basics.

What is a consumer survey?

A consumer survey is a research method used by businesses and organizations to collect information about the preferences, behavior, and opinions of their target consumers. It typically involves a set of questions that are designed to gather specific information about a consumer’s experience with a product or service, their satisfaction level, and their likelihood of purchasing or recommending the product or service.

They may be conducted through various means, such as online surveys, phone surveys, in-person surveys, or mailed surveys. The data collected through consumer surveys is then analyzed to gain insights into consumer needs, identify trends, and make informed decisions about product development, marketing, and customer service. 

Definition of a Consumer Survey

Consumer surveys can be defined as a research tool used by businesses and organizations to gather information from consumers about their attitudes, opinions, behaviors, and preferences regarding products or services. 

Consumer surveys are a useful tool for businesses and organizations to understand their target market better and stay competitive in the market.

What is a consumer survey used for?

Consumer surveys are a valuable tool for businesses and are used for many purposes. But the most common uses of a survey for consumers can be toned down to the following points. 

Most common uses of a consumer survey:

1. Understanding customer needs and preferences

Consumer surveys can help businesses gain insights into their customers’ needs, preferences, and behaviors. This information can be used to develop products or services that better meet their customer’s needs and to tailor marketing messages to specific customer segments.

2. Improving customer satisfaction

Consumer surveys can help businesses identify areas where they can improve customer satisfaction. By understanding what customers like and dislike about their products or services, businesses can make changes to improve the customer experience.

3. Testing new products or services 

Consumer surveys can be used to test new products or service concepts before they are launched in the market. This can help businesses identify potential issues and make changes before investing significant resources.44

4.Monitoring brand perception

Consumer surveys can be used to monitor brand perception and identify potential issues that may be affecting a business’s reputation. This information can be used to make changes to marketing messages or customer service policies to improve brand perception.

5.Conducting market research

Consumer surveys can be used to conduct market research to understand the competitive landscape, identify market trends, and assess customer satisfaction with competitors’ products or services.

What are the different types of consumer surveys?

There exist six different types of consumer surveys, and each of them serves a different purpose:


Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) Surveys

Net Promoter Score (NPS) Surveys

Product Surveys

Market Research Surveys

Brand Perception Surveys

Demographic Surveys


1.Customer Satisfaction Surveys

CSAT surveys are used to measure how satisfied customers are with a company’s products or services. They typically ask customers to rate their overall satisfaction, as well as specific aspects of their experience, such as customer service, product quality, and price.

2.Net Promoter Score (NPS) Surveys

These surveys are used to measure customer loyalty by asking customers how likely they are to recommend a company’s products or services to others. The NPS score is calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors (customers who are unlikely to recommend) from the percentage of promoters (customers who are highly likely to recommend).

3.Product or Service Surveys

These surveys are used to gather feedback about a specific product or service. They typically ask customers about their experience with the product or service, including what they liked and disliked and whether they would recommend it to others.

4.Market Research Surveys

These surveys are used to gather information about market trends, consumer preferences, and competitor offerings. They may be used to gather data from both current and potential customers.

5.Brand Perception Surveys

These surveys are used to understand how customers perceive a brand. They may ask customers about their familiarity with a brand, their perceptions of the brand’s quality and reliability, and their likelihood of purchasing from the brand again.

6.Demographic Surveys

These surveys are used to gather information about customers’ demographics, such as age, gender, income, and education level. This information can be used to understand customer segments better and tailor marketing messages to specific groups.

Consumer Survey Methods

As mentioned above, the following methods can be used to conduct consumer surveys: 

1. Online surveys

Online surveys are one of the most common and cost-effective ways to conduct consumer surveys. They can be distributed via email, social media, or a website, and respondents can complete them at their own convenience.

2. Phone surveys

Phone surveys involve calling respondents and asking them a series of questions. They can be used to reach a wide audience quickly but can also be more expensive and time-consuming than other methods.

3. In-person surveys

In-person surveys involve asking respondents questions face-to-face. They can be useful for gathering detailed feedback and can be conducted at events or in-store.

4. Mailed surveys

Mailed surveys involve sending a paper survey to respondents by mail. They can be useful for reaching a specific demographic, such as older adults who may not have access to the internet.

5. Focus groups

Focus groups involve gathering a small group of people together to discuss a specific topic. They can be useful for gathering detailed feedback and insights from a specific demographic.

6.Online communities

Online communities involve gathering a group of people together in a private online forum to discuss a specific topic. They can be useful for gathering ongoing feedback and insights from a specific demographic.

While choosing a method to conduct online consumer surveys, consider your survey research objectives, target audience, and available resources. 

Consumer Survey Questions Examples

Here are some examples of consumer survey questions that you can use to understand customer attitudes, opinions, behaviors, and preferences:

1. Demographic questions:

  • What is your age?
  • What is your gender?
  • What is your highest level of education?
  • What is your household income?
  • What is your employment status?

2. Product/service usage questions:

  • How frequently do you use our product/service?
  • How satisfied are you with our product/service?
  • What do you like most/least about our product/service?
  • Have you recommended our product/service to others?
  • Have you had any issues with our product/service?

3. Purchase behavior questions:

  • Where do you typically purchase our product/service?
  • How much are you willing to pay for our product/service?
  • Have you purchased a competitor’s product/service in the past?
  • What factors influence your purchasing decisions?

4. Brand perception questions:

  • How familiar are you with our brand?
  • What do you think of our brand?
  • How would you describe our brand to a friend?
  • Have you had any positive/negative experiences with our brand?

5.  Marketing and advertising questions:

  • Have you seen our recent advertising campaigns?
  • How effective do you think our advertising is?
  • What channels do you prefer to receive marketing messages on?
  • Have you participated in any of our promotions or loyalty programs?

6. Open-ended questions:

  • What suggestions do you have for improving our product/service?
  • Is there anything we could do better as a company?
  • What are your biggest challenges when using our product/service?
  • Do you have any additional feedback or comments?

How to Create a Consumer Survey?

Creating a consumer survey can be a complex process and involves a few detailed steps. Here are all the steps to create a consumer survey:

Step 1: Define the survey objective

Determine the main goal of your survey. This will help you determine the questions to ask and the data to collect.

Step 2: Identify your target audience 

Identify the specific group of people you want to survey. This can be based on demographics such as age, gender, income, education level, etc., or other criteria, such as current customers, potential customers, or people who have used a particular product or service.

Step 3: Choose a survey method

Decide on the method of survey you want to use. Common ones include online surveys, phone surveys, in-person surveys, and mailed surveys. Each survey method has its advantages and disadvantages, so consider what will work best for your target audience and research objectives.

Step 4: Write survey questions

Develop questions that will help you achieve your research objective. Ensure that the questions are clear, concise, and easy to understand. You may also want to consider using open-ended questions to allow respondents to provide more detailed feedback. You can also choose from the list of consumer survey questions examples given above. 

Related: How to write good survey questions

Step 5: Test the survey

Before distributing the survey, test it with a small group of people to identify any issues or areas for improvement.

Step 6: Distribute the survey

Distribute the survey to the target audience using the chosen survey method. You may need to use different methods to reach different segments of your target audience.

Step 7: Analyze the data

Once you have collected the survey responses, analyze the data to gain insights into the research objective. You may use statistical analysis provided by online survey software such as Voxco Insights. 

See? Creating a consumer survey is not as tedious as it sounds. All it requires is careful planning and execution. Follow these steps, and you’ll end up with a survey that provides valuable insights into your customer’s needs and preferences.

Make your consumer survey today!

That was all on consumer surveys or consumer research surveys. The methods, types, and uses of a consumer survey mentioned in this blog will help you understand how a consumer survey works, and the step-by-step process mentioned above will help you launch your first survey. 

Many consumer survey companies offer end-to-end survey solutions, but you must only choose the best one.  

Why Use Voxco for Consumer Survey Research?

Consumer Survey Templates

Voxco offers free survey samples that you can use to create any type of survey without any hassle. 

Get a free sample survey

Visual Dashboard for Survey Analysis

Voxco’s survey analytics tool can help researchers easily transform survey feedback data into actionable insights! Create cross-tabulations and build striking visual stories with your data. Intuitive dashboards allow you to tack studies, ad-hoc surveys, or syndicated research easily.

Omnichannel Capabilities

With Voxco, you can create and conduct surveys through multiple channels such as online, mobile, offline, phone surveys, IVR, etc. 

Generate actionable insights with Voxco

Named a leading survey software by G2

Join the network of 500+ happy survey creators.

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possible on Voxco

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