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What are quantitative research questions?
Quantitative research questions are objective questions that provide detailed knowledge about a research topic. The data obtained with quantitative research questions are numerical that can be examined statistically.
Quantitative research questions help look into trends and patterns to make logical sense of the research topic. The data gathered can be generalized to the entire population and help make data-driven and sound decisions.
Statistical reports are hard to argue with and this makes the data more reliable. Quantitative research requires precise information and so the data it brings is reliable and valid.
Quantitative research questions allow respondents to answer concisely. In this article, we’ll go over some popular quantitative research questions and the different types of quantitative research questions.
Examples of Quantitative Research Questions
Here are some of the most common quantitative research questions used in research:
👉 How often do you visit an art gallery?
👉 How much do you pay for the hotel’s VIP services?
👉 What differences did you notice between our website and app interface?
👉 What is the effect of social media on self-confidence?
👉 What is the relationship between age and alcohol consumption?
Now let’s dive into the different types of quantitative research questions and their examples.
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What are the different types of quantitative research questions
There are three types of Quantitative Research Questions used in research:
- Descriptive Research Questions
- Comparative Research Questions
- Relationship-based Research Questions
Now we’ll look at some quantitative research questions examples:
Descriptive Research Questions
It simply implies that you want to gather information about variables that you are trying to quantify or measure. Descriptive research questions help gather a customer’s opinion about variables you want to measure.
These questions mostly begin with-
- How much?
- What percentage?
- How often?
- What proportion?
Descriptive research questions focus mostly on one group and one variable. Rarely do these questions include multiple groups and variables.
Here are a few examples of descriptive research questions
Question: How much fast food do Americans consume per week?
- Variable: Fast food intake
- Group: American
Question: How often do students between the ages of 15 – 18 use Facebook each week?
- Variable: Weekly use of Facebook
- Group: Students between ages 15 – 18
Question: How often do male and female university students use a food delivery app in a month?
- Variables: Use of food delivery app
- Group: 1. Male University students
- Female University students
Question: What is the preferred choice of the cuisine of the Italians?
- Variable: Cuisine
- Groups: Italian
Question: What are the important factors influencing the career choice of Asian-American University students?
- Variable: Factors influencing career choice
- Group: Asian-American University students
Also read: What is Descriptive Research?
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Comparative Research Question
Comparative research questions help examine the difference between two or more groups based on one or more dependable variables. The number of variables depends on the need of the market research.
The question asks the respondents “what is the difference in” a dependent variable between two or more groups?
Here are a few examples of comparative research questions
Question: What is the difference in time spent on video games between people of age 12 to 17 and 18 to 25?
- Variable: Time spent on video games
- Group 1: People within the age range 12 and 17
- Group 2: People within the age range 18 and 25
Question: What is the difference in attitude towards online shopping between millennials adults and Adults born before 1980?
- Variable: Attitude towards online shopping
- Group 1: Millennial adults
- Group 2: Adults born before 1980
Question: What is the difference in the attitude towards politics between Mexicans and Americans in America?
- Variable: Attitude towards Politics
- Group 1: Mexicans in America
- Groups 2: Americans in America
Question: What is the difference in the usage of Snapchat between Canadian male and female university students?
- Variable: usage of Snapchat
- Group 1: Canadian Male University student
- Group 2: Canadian Female University student
Question: What is the difference in attitude towards rock music between Gen-Z and Millennials?
- Variables: Attitude towards rock music
- Group 1: Gen-Z
- Group 2: Millennials
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Relationship-based Research Questions
Relationship-based research questions are the best choice of Quantitative Research questions when you need to identify trends, causal relationships, or associations between two or more variables.
When using the term relationship in statistics it is important to remember that it refers to Experimental Research Design.
In this case, it is possible to examine the cause and effect between two variables, i.e., it is possible to say which variable was responsible for the effect on the other variable.
However, when you use Relationship-based Research Questions you do not have to make a distinction between causal relationships, trends, or associations.
The question used in this type begins with “What is the relationship” between or amongst independent and dependent variables, amongst or between two or more groups.
Here are a few examples of relationship-based research questions
Question: What is the relationship between gender and attitude towards romantic movies amongst Middle-aged people?
- Dependent Variable: Attitude towards romantic movies
- Independent Variables: Gender
- Group: Middle-aged people
Question: What is the relationship between age and fast food preference in Australia?
- Dependent Variable: Fast Food preference
- Independent Variable: Age
- Group: Australia
Question: What is the relationship between age and lifestyle amongst women?
- Dependent Variable: Lifestyle
- Independent Variable: Age
- Group: Women
Question: What is the relationship between Salary and Job satisfaction amongst people working in the corporate business?
- Dependent Variable: Job satisfaction
- Independent Variable: Salary
- Group: People working in corporate business
Question: What is the relationship between University Degree and Job position amongst employees in Multinational Companies?
- Dependent Variable: Job position
- Independent Variable: University Degree
- Group: Employees in Multinational Company
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Quantitative Questions are used when a researcher needs quantifiable data that can be analyzed statistically. The questions begin with phrases like
- How many?
- How often?
- What percentage?
- How much?
- What is?
Independent Variable causes change to other variables in the research. A researcher can control the independent variable in order to observe changes on other variables.
In research the value of dependent variable changes depending on the value of other variables, i.e., Independent Variable.
To collect Quantitative Data you can conduct
- Experiments
- Survey
- Telephone Interviews
- Face-to-face Interviews
- Polls
A Research Question is what your research is trying to resolve or find answers for. It is a specific query that determines the path of your research process.
Deciding on a research question is the first step of research, quantitative or qualitative research.
Research question examples:
Why did you buy our new line of health drinks?
How does our “day-planner app” help you?
What feature would you like us to introduce in our photo-editing app?
Quantitative questions are objective. These questions are close-ended, which makes them easier and faster to answer.
Quantitative questions gather numerical data, which can be analyzed using a data analysis platform.
Quantitative questions provide answers for who and what instead of why.
There are three types of quantitative research questions, as we have already mentioned:
- Descriptive Research Questions: How many calories are in a burger?
- Comparative Research Questions: What is the difference in the download of apparel shopping apps between men & women?
- Relationship-based Research Questions: What is the relationship between education & criminal record?
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