Training Evaluation Questions: Evaluate Employee Training Programs


Training Evaluation Questions: Evaluate Employee Training Programs social research
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Employees in an organization will require training throughout their career to improve their knowledge and skill set. Most employees want to learn skills that will help them in the workplace. The training requirements of each organization differ depending on the industry type. 

But how do you know if the training is effective? A training evaluation survey can help you collect feedback from your employees to evaluate its impact.

Good training evaluation questions are essential to gather honest feedback, especially when employees have to share opinions about their workplace and mentors.

In this article, we will learn what training evaluation is and the different examples of training evaluation form questions.

What is training evaluation?

Training evaluation is a method for determining whether initiatives and training programs are effective and align with an organization’s objectives, vision, and goals. It is a process that identifies opportunities and training gaps while employees are being trained.

It is necessary to determine whether the program’s deliverables were met by the involved participants. The training evaluation process looks at whether they learned something useful, applied those skills and knowledge in the workplace, and were able to improve their performance and efficiency.

The training evaluation process should not be infrequent but rather ongoing and consistent. It is one of the most effective methods for determining the value of training programs, events, and activities. The findings can aid in the implementation of changes that will eliminate inefficiency and boost performance.

Read how Voxco empowers the HR team to evaluate the 2,000-person monthly hiring process.

Why should training evaluation questions be asked?

You can get constructive feedback on your course design, delivery, and content by asking questions to course participants, which will help you refine and improve your training course.


Training evaluation form questions can reveal more about employee’s perspectives on:

  • Training techniques
  • Resources and tools
  • Course design
  • Content
  • Evaluation methods
  • Technical delivery, and more!


A training evaluation survey can assist you in tailoring your course to the needs of your learners and making your training program more effective.

What are the training evaluation questions?

We’ve compiled a list of some of the most important questions to ask when evaluating training.

Use training evaluation form questions before the start of your course to gain a better understanding of what your learners hope to achieve by taking your course. You can also administer a training evaluation survey to determine how well your employee’s onboarding process works.

1. Before the training

A training survey should not only be conducted at the end of the course. It should also include pre-training evaluation questions. This is the stage at which learners are informed about their training objectives and are preparing to take the course.

  1. Here are a few examples of questions:
  2. What is your opinion of the pre-training preparation?
  3. Were the training goals and objectives stated clearly?
  4. Were the course’s title and description simple to understand?
  5. What changes would you suggest we make to the pre-training overview?

2. Structure of the training

Even with the best training materials, a perplexing course structure can hinder learning. Here are some of the most critical course structure questions to ask during your post-training evaluation:

  1.  How would you rate the sequence and flow of the course?
  2. Were you able to engage with each lesson plan?
  3. Was there a clear division of the course’s units?
  4. Would you prefer more frequent evaluations?

3. Content

Your employee training feedback form should include training evaluation questions that will assist you in continuously improving course content.

Here are some questions to consider:

  1. How helpful were the audio and video files?
  2. How satisfied are you with the language used in the course?
  3. How interesting do you think the overall content was?

4. Post-training questions

Online courses can be isolating if there are no opportunities for collaboration and interactive learning.

Include the following post-training evaluation questions in your survey to determine how engaged employees were with the overall delivery method:

  1. How satisfied are you with the online training?
  2. Did you find the course to be monotonous?
  3. Did the course appear to be automated?

Consider using Likert scale questions for more accurate results. Instead of limiting employees to “Yes” or “No,” you can give them more options and assess their level of agreement, satisfaction, likelihood, and other factors.

5. Duration

These sample evaluation questions will assist you in determining how much time people spend on the course. This way, you’ll know whether you should make it more digestible or if there’s room for more content.

Here are a few questions to consider:

  1. How long did it take you to complete the course, including all assignments and exams?
  2. Did you pause the course at any point?
  3. Did you have enough time to finish the test(s)?
  4. How would you rate the overall course duration?

6. Mentors/Instructors

Instructors are an essential component of training. Mentors must occasionally interact with learners. If your training includes an instructor, make sure to include the following training evaluation questions in your training feedback survey.

  1. The trainer can find ways to improve based on your learners’ responses:
  2. How would you rate the empathy of your trainer?
  3. How knowledgeable do you think your trainer is?
  4. What is your opinion of your trainer’s communication skills?
  5. How would you rate your trainer’s presentation skills?

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7. Training results

These sample evaluation questions will assist you in identifying discrepancies between learner expectations and the reality of their learning experience:

  1. Would you take a course like this again if it wasn’t considered necessary?
  2. Did you meet your overall learning objectives?
  3. Would you suggest this course to a coworker?
  4. Were your training objectives met?

8. Learner satisfaction 

In addition to gathering data on the learner experience during the course, it is also important to gauge overall learner satisfaction. You don’t want to skip this step because high learner satisfaction is the key to winning more business.

Here are some training evaluation questions about learner satisfaction to include in your evaluation survey:

  • Do you believe you met your learning objectives?
  • How happy were you with the course?
  • Was the course up to your standards?
  • Is there anything you wanted to learn that wasn’t covered?
  • Do you believe the course has helped you improve your skills?

9. Certificates and awards

Certificates and awards can help learners feel more accomplished at the end of a course, while also aiding in motivation and professional growth. If you include a certificate as part of your course, ask for feedback on it in your post-training evaluation survey.

Try including the following questions in your survey:

  • Did you like the fact that the course provided a certificate?
  • Were you pleased with the standard of the certificate you received?
  • Would receiving a certificate or award make you feel more committed to the program?
  • Did you share the certificate with your work colleagues?

Benefits of training evaluation questions

There are different advantages of creating good questions on training evaluations, so let’s have a look at some of them.

1.  Evaluate participant reactions

A survey of your trainees will tell you if they liked the training, the trainer, and if the training program was lacking in any way. For employees to do their jobs better, training must be engaging, well-planned, and executed.

2. Recognize what they discovered

The trainees must comprehend everything that was taught to them. As the organizer, you should be aware of how much of the training or knowledge was retained and how it could be improved in the future. Measuring this allows you to assess the efficacy of your training programs.

3. Employee retention

Employees, like businesses, seek opportunities for advancement. They seek professional advancement and higher pay. Investing in training shows that the company is committed to their professional development. Organizations that provide training and development opportunities increase retention. As a result, quality training evaluation questions improve employee retention by allowing for future improvements in training.

4. Improvement opportunities

One of the primary advantages of training evaluations is the identification of flaws and areas for improvement. What was lacking? What was important? Should we change the format?

Slight changes to the content, planning, and tools used to deliver the courses can all improve results. Furthermore, in the fast-paced world of technology, ideas can quickly become obsolete. As a result, it requires updating. 

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  • 100+ question types: Use image-based question types for more variety.
  • Advanced features: Easily set up advanced logic, piping, and routing.

What is the best time to conduct employee training evaluations?

There are two times when you can conduct online training evaluations. They are before you finally roll out a program and after it. Let’s take a closer look at them.

1. Formative or pre-training evaluation

This evaluation serves as a discovery phase for any potential issues with your training, allowing you to address them as soon as possible. You can accomplish this by running a pilot test of your courses and assessments with a sample audience before sharing them with the rest of the learners.

This will tell you whether the training has the desired effect on the participants. You can also have subject-matter experts review your training program to identify gaps.

2. Summative or post-training evaluation

After the learners have completed the training, you can conduct this evaluation.

The goal is to gather feedback from participants on how they find the training, which modules they find challenging, which areas of a course they abandon the most or score poorly in, what they think of the instructors, and what suggestions they have for a better experience. This evaluation can assist you in making program improvements.

As you can see, both of these types of evaluation can be useful at different times. As a result, it makes sense to combine the two.


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When conducting training surveys, it is critical to ask the right questions.

Every training evaluation question should serve a specific purpose in eliciting useful information from the employee’s experience with you. Pilot tests are an excellent way to determine the length, structure, and flow while ensuring the highest possible response rate. Questions should be adjusted and reworded as needed, especially if certain questions are irrelevant in some training scenarios.

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