Top 10 feedback collection tools in 2024


Top 10 feedback collection tools in 2024 Regression Analysis
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Collecting feedback is necessary for businesses and organizations to understand their audiences, improve their offerings, and stay competitive in dynamic markets. It’s a fundamental component of customer-centric strategies and continuous improvement initiatives. Even though there are many feedback-collection tools, finding the best one may be challenging. 

This is why we researched and found the ten best feedback collection tools in 2024. But before we get to that, let’s brush on some basic concepts related to feedback collection tools.

What is a feedback collection tool?

A feedback collection tool is a software or platform designed to gather, organize, and analyze user, customer, employee, or relevant stakeholder feedback. Businesses, organizations, and individuals commonly use these tools to understand perceptions, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions.

Feedback collection tools come in many forms, which we shall learn about in the next segment of this article.

What are the different types of feedback collection tools?

Feedback collection tools can come in various forms, including:

  • Surveys: Online survey tools allow users to create customizable surveys with various question types (multiple-choice, open-ended, rating scales, etc.) to gather feedback from respondents.
  • Feedback forms: These are web forms embedded on websites or sent via email to collect feedback from users about specific products, services, or experiences.
  • Social media listening tools: These tools monitor social media platforms for mentions, comments, and discussions related to a brand, product, or service, providing insights into customer sentiment and feedback.
  • Feedback management platforms: These comprehensive tools allow businesses to collect, organize, and analyze feedback from multiple channels in one centralized location, often offering features such as sentiment analysis, reporting, and integration with other systems.
  • Customer feedback apps: Mobile applications designed for customers to provide feedback on products or services directly from their smartphones or tablets.

Feedback collection tools are crucial in helping organizations gather valuable insights, improve their offerings, and enhance customer satisfaction.

Why is it necessary to collect feedback?

Collecting feedback is essential for several reasons:

  • Identifying areas for improvement: Feedback provides valuable insights into what aspects of products, services, or processes need enhancement or refinement. By understanding the pain points and challenges experienced by users or customers, businesses can make targeted improvements to better meet their needs and expectations.
  • Enhancing customer satisfaction: Actively seeking and acting upon feedback demonstrates to customers that their opinions are valued. Addressing their concerns and implementing suggestions can increase satisfaction and loyalty, fostering long-term relationships.
  • Informing decision-making: Feedback is a source of data-driven insights that inform strategic decisions. Whether it’s product development, marketing strategies, or operational changes, feedback provides real-world perspectives that help organizations make informed choices.
  • Driving innovation: Feedback often contains ideas and suggestions for new features, products, or services. By collecting and analyzing feedback, businesses can identify innovative opportunities that align with customer needs and preferences, driving continuous improvement and competitive advantage.
  • Building trust and transparency: Transparently collecting feedback and acting upon it fosters trust between businesses and their stakeholders. It demonstrates a commitment to listening and responding to their concerns, which can enhance reputation and credibility.
  • Preventing issues and mitigating risks: Regular feedback collection enables organizations to proactively identify potential issues or trends before they escalate into more significant problems. By addressing concerns early on, businesses can mitigate risks and prevent negative impacts on customer satisfaction and reputation.

Building a survey is easier with a sample

List of the ten best feedback collection tools in 2024

Here is a list of the ten best feedback collection tools, their features, pros & cons.

Voxco Survey Software

Voxco Survey Software facilitates the creation, distribution, and analysis of surveys for market research, customer feedback, and other data collection purposes. Here’s an overview of its pros, cons, and features:


  • Customization options: Voxco Survey Software offers a range of customization options for survey design, allowing users to create tailored surveys that align with their branding and research objectives.
  • Multimodal data collection: The platform supports various data collection methods, including online surveys, telephone surveys, face-to-face interviews, and more, enabling researchers to reach diverse audiences through different channels.
  • Advanced survey logic: Voxco Survey Software provides advanced survey logic features, such as branching, skip logic, and piping, allowing researchers to create complex survey structures that adapt to respondents’ answers.
  • Data analysis tools: The platform includes tools for data analysis and reporting, allowing users to generate insights from survey responses through customizable charts, graphs, and cross-tabulations.
  • Integration capabilities: Voxco Survey Software offers integration with other systems and tools, such as CRM software, allowing researchers to streamline data collection and analysis processes.


  • Learning curve: Like many survey software platforms, Voxco Survey Software may have a learning curve for new users, particularly regarding advanced features and customization options.
  • Cost: Depending on the specific features and usage requirements, the cost of Voxco Survey Software may be relatively high compared to some other survey tools, which could be a drawback for smaller organizations with limited budgets.
  • Limited accessibility: While Voxco Survey Software supports multiple data collection methods, some users may find specific modes, such as telephone surveys, less accessible or relevant for their research needs than online surveys.


  • Survey design: Create customized surveys with various question types, multimedia elements, and branding options.
  • Multimodal data collection: Conduct surveys online, via telephone, in-person, or other channels to reach diverse audiences.
  • Survey logic: Implement advanced logic features like branching, skip logic, and piping to create dynamic surveys.
  • Data analysis: Analyze survey responses using built-in tools for generating charts, graphs, and cross-tabulations.
  • Integration: Integrate with other systems and tools, such as CRM software, for seamless data management and analysis.
  • Security: Ensure data security and compliance with privacy regulations through features like encryption and access controls.
  • Collaboration: Collaborate with team members on survey design, data analysis, and reporting tasks.
  • Automation: Automate survey distribution, reminders, and other processes to streamline data collection workflows.

Create your surveys with Voxco.

Voxco offers easy-to-use online survey tools with robust features to create interactive and engaging surveys.


SurveyMonkey offers customizable surveys with robust analytics, making it easy to collect feedback. Its user-friendly interface and flexible customization options make it popular, though advanced features may require a paid subscription.


  • Customizable surveys
  • Multiple question types
  • Data analysis tools
  • Integration with other platforms


  • User-friendly interface
  • Flexible customization options
  • Robust analytics


  • Limited features in the free version
  • Pricing can be high for advanced features


Typeform’s conversational forms and mobile-friendly design engage respondents. With features like conditional logic and seamless integration, it offers attractive surveys and powerful analytics, albeit with limited features in the free version.


  • Conversational forms
  • Conditional logic
  • Integration with various platforms
  • Mobile-friendly design


  • Attractive and engaging interface
  • Flexible question types
  • Powerful analytics


  • Limited features in the free version
  • Pricing might be expensive for some users

Google Forms

Google Forms provides a free and simple survey tool with real-time responses and easy integration with Google Workspace. While it lacks advanced features, it’s ideal for basic surveys and real-time collaboration.


  • Free to use
  • Simple interface
  • Integration with Google Workspace
  • Real-time responses


  • Free and easy to use
  • Seamless integration with other Google services
  • Real-time collaboration


  • Limited customization options
  • Basic analytics compared to other tools


Qualtrics offers enterprise-grade survey capabilities with advanced logic and rich analytics. Its high customization and integration with CRM systems make it suitable for complex surveys, although it has a steep learning curve and higher cost.


  • Advanced survey logic
  • Rich analytics
  • Enterprise-grade security
  • Integrations with CRM and HR systems


  • Powerful features for complex surveys
  • Robust analytics and reporting
  • High level of customization


  • Steep learning curve for beginners
  • Expensive for small businesses

Zoho Survey

Zoho Survey provides customizable surveys with collaboration tools and data analysis features. Integration with other Zoho apps ensures seamless workflow, making it an affordable and user-friendly option for businesses, albeit with fewer advanced features.


  • Customizable surveys
  • Collaboration tools
  • Data analysis features
  • Integration with other Zoho apps


  • Seamless integration with other Zoho products
  • Affordable pricing plans
  • Easy-to-use interface


  • Limited advanced features compared to other tools
  • Customer support might be lacking

SurveyGizmo (Alchemer)

SurveyGizmo offers advanced survey logic and customizable branding suitable for complex surveys. While it provides comprehensive reporting and integration options, its pricing may be prohibitive for some users, and it requires a learning curve.


  • Advanced survey logic
  • Customizable branding
  • Integration with third-party apps
  • Real-time reporting


  • Flexible survey design options
  • Advanced logic and branching capabilities
  • Comprehensive reporting features


  • Pricing might be high for some users
  • Steeper learning curve compared to more straightforward tools


Formstack’s drag-and-drop form builder and extensive integration options make it user-friendly. With advanced security features and conditional logic, it’s suitable for businesses needing secure and customizable forms, though pricing may be a concern.


  • Drag-and-drop form builder
  • Conditional logic
  • Integration with over 1000 apps
  • Data encryption and security


  • Intuitive interface
  • Extensive integration options
  • Advanced security features


  • Limited features in lower-priced plans
  • Pricing might be prohibitive for smaller businesses


AskNicely focuses on NPS surveys and real-time feedback monitoring, which are integrated into CRM systems for actionable insights. While it excels in customer experience management, its focus on NPS surveys may limit its suitability for broader feedback needs.


  • NPS (Net Promoter Score) surveys
  • Real-time feedback monitoring
  • Integration with CRM systems
  • Automated workflows


  • Focus on customer experience management
  • Automated feedback collection processes
  • Integration with CRM for actionable insights


  • Primarily focused on NPS surveys
  • It may not be suitable for businesses needing more diverse survey types

GetFeedback (by SurveyMonkey)

GetFeedback offers customizable surveys with seamless integration into Salesforce. With a user-friendly interface and advanced analytics, it’s suitable for businesses leveraging Salesforce, though pricing and feature limitations may be a consideration.


  • Customizable surveys
  • Integration with Salesforce
  • Mobile-friendly design
  • Real-time analytics


  • Seamless integration with Salesforce
  • User-friendly interface
  • Advanced analytics features


  • Pricing might be high for some users
  • Limited features in lower-tier plans


Feedbackify provides customizable feedback forms and real-time reporting easily integrated into websites and apps. Its affordability and ease of use make it ideal for businesses needing simple feedback solutions, although it may lack advanced analytics features.


  • Customizable feedback forms
  • Real-time reporting
  • Integration with websites and apps
  • Customizable feedback widgets


  • Easy to embed on websites and apps
  • Real-time feedback monitoring
  • Affordable pricing plans


  • Limited features compared to more comprehensive tools
  • May lack advanced analytics capabilities

Ready to choose the best feedback collection tool?

The suitability of each tool depends on factors such as your specific requirements, budget, and integration needs. Research each tool thoroughly and consider your organization’s needs before deciding. I recommend consulting recent reviews and industry reports for up-to-date information on the top feedback collection tools in 2024.

Transform your insight-generation process

Create an actionable feedback collection process.

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