Navigating The Importance of Perception Survey


Brand Perception Survey Questions1
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For every organization, irrespective of the industry they operate in, it is crucial to understand the thoughts, feelings, and attitudes of their target audience in order to interpret them into strategies. Perception surveys serve as an invaluable tool for this purpose. 

The human experience is heavily influenced by perception. It shapes how we interact with our surroundings and make decisions. This also impacts the relationship between a customer and a brand/organization. This makes comprehending perception essential for brands looking to enhance communication, decision-making, and overall organizational success. 

In this blog, we’ll dive into the purpose of perception surveys, their many types, and how you can leverage them to align your organizational strategies to meet expectations.

What is a perception survey?

Perception surveys help you systematically gather and analyze data on how the targeted respondents perceive specific aspects of your organization. It helps unveil the complex and intricate opinions, thoughts, and feelings of the target market. By gauging perceptions, you can identify the strengths and areas needing improvement to tailor strategies as per the needs and requirements of the market. 

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Types of perception surveys

Let’s explore the nuanced types of perception surveys and their unique purposes and applications. 

1. Brand perception survey:

A brand perception survey lets you understand how your audiences view your brand. It is a way to gain insight into your brand’s reputation amongst the customers. Many factors are involved in determining how audiences perceive your brand – level of satisfaction and the likelihood of a recommendation. 


  • Understanding customer expectations for products and services. 
  • Identifying pain points in the customer journey. 
  • Fostering brand loyalty by aligning offerings with customer expectations. 

Additional read: Unveiling The Factors That Mold Your Brand Perception

2. Market perception surveys: 

Market perception surveys help uncover how a market perceives a brand or its products/services. However, in this survey, the insights allow you to compare the brand’s standing against its competitors.


  • Understand how the brand compares to the competitors in the eyes of the target market. 
  • Gauge brand permutation in terms of reliability and credibility. 
  • Designing marketing campaigns based on market perception. 

3. Social and public perception surveys: 

Explore the perception of the general public on social issues, government policies, and leads/public figures. 


  • Understand the social impact of initiatives and policies. 
  • Gather insights for crafting policies that align with public sentiment. 

4. Healthcare perception surveys: 

Guage patient’s perception of healthcare organizations, services, facilities, and medical professionals and caregivers. 


  • Identify areas for improving patient experience. 
  • Assess the quality of provided services throughout the patient journey. 

Frost & Sullivan conducted 100k surveys across 300 industries annually with Voxco.

When should you conduct a perception survey?

Now that we know the types of perception surveys, let’s also understand when you should make the best use of it. 

Awareness assessment:

When your company has been exposed to the market for quite a while, it is a good time to begin your brand perception survey. It will help to figure out how many people have actually heard about your company, indicating your brand awareness as well.

Product/service launch: 

Gather feedback from the targeted market during the development stage of a product/service to gauge the initial perception and the susceptibility of the new or upgraded product/service. 

Periodic assessment: 

Leverage online surveys to regularly gather respondent’s perceptions to track changes over time and identify relevant trends. This will empower you to efficiently and effectively adapt strategies and meet expectations in realtime. 

Why should you conduct perception surveys?

Perception surveys offer multiple benefits contributing to informed decision-making, enhanced organizational efficiency, and continuous improvement. Here are some reasons you should make it part of your survey research. 

  1. It helps gather customer-reported insights and gives you a direct glimpse into their feelings and thoughts about the organization/brand. 
  2. You can explore public sentiment in real-time using online survey tools and assess their views on social issues and initiatives. 
  3. Using insights from this survey, you can identify areas of friction and strategically work on rectifying those gaps. 
  4. By efficiently gathering insights from concerned audiences, you can foster transparent communication by aligning services with their expectations. 
  5. Using a perception survey, you can inform strategic planning, brand positioning, and marketing campaigns. 
  6. The insights can also help you understand where the brand stands in the competitive market landscape, helping you gauge the difference. 

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Example of perception survey questions

Below are some questions that you can include in your perception surveys and how it can help you capture relevant insights. 

1. How does our brand make you feel?

The question may sound simple and vague, but it is an apt choice for an open-ended question. The question allows the customers to express their exact feelings about your brand freely. 

The response collected may reveal the true sentiment of the audience towards your brand- neutral, positive, or negative. It can show you the overall impression a customer has about you. 

This question also lets you know whether your brand is not standing out or not. A neutral response indicates that your brand hasn’t left a significant impact on the customer’s memory, so they cannot form an opinion about you. 

2. How likely are you to recommend us?

This question is mostly asked using an NPS scale. It measures customer affinity between +100 to -100. While scores over zero are considered good, brands always strive for higher numbers. 

NPS is an essential metric that can help track your performance over time. You can use the score as a benchmark to improve customer experience. 

3. Which brand for (product category) do you prefer the most?

This question shows you where your brand stands in comparison to other brands in the market. It shows the bigger picture of how your customers see your brand in relation to other brands in the same product category. 

You can ask this question as an open-ended question, or you can also provide a list of brands that you are competing against. 

Understanding customer’s preferences can show you the right time to gain market share for your own product category. Also, it shows you when to look for something new, a product category with no or less competition, where you can dominate. 

4. How would you describe our brand to your friend?

This question allows you to listen to what your customer believes your brand represents or offers. You get the opportunity to hear your customer’s thoughts in their own words about how exactly they describe your brand in their mind. 

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5. What attributes would you associate with our organization?

You can include a list of conflicting attributes or ask it as an open-ended question. This will reveal traits about your brand that will tell how dominant your brand is in comparison to others. 

6. What do you think about the advertisement for our services?

This can tell you if the advertisement is communicating to the audience what your brand stands for. You can understand how memorable the advertising is and if the customers can recall your brand from the advertisement. 


By actively seeking insights and addressing feedback, organizations can become proactive and continuously meet the ever-changing customer expectations. Perception surveys empowers you to bridge the gap between your organization’s goal and customers’ expectations. Conducting this survey is not just a best practice but a strategic imprevative to continous improvement and sustainable success. 

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