Enterprises and businesses the world over are slugging it out in their quest to offer the best customer experience possible.

Companies are trying everything – Unique incentives, loyalty programs, personalized offers – you name it – in the quest to secure Customer Loyalty. Better customer experiences are not just a positive for the customer – businesses have much to gain as well.
Loyal customers are an asset to any organization, and ensuring that they have an excellent experience with your product, service and support should be a major priority.
It’s fine having automated messages and chatbots as a point of first contact with your customers, but adding a human touch to your overall customer experience is likely to result in  far better reception and create customers loyal to your brand.

Foster better relationships by closing the feedback loop

It’s become common practice to ask for online feedback almost immediately after a customer has used a service or product, and while that is completely necessary, the feedback loop cannot be allowed to terminate there.

Customer Experience (CX) isn’t all about instant conversions. The emphasis is on fostering better relationships with your customers and even potential ones. It’s important to let customers know you’ve evolved because of them. A single mode such as online may not be enough. Additional channels such as the phone can help humanize customer experience. Down the line, you can even take feedback about the changes as well.

Learn how to predict sentiment via digital channels

Data collected and analyzed can tell one a lot about customer psyche. Take Net Promoter Scores (NPS® ) for example. It is an extremely effective methodology for gauging Customer Experience. A 10 on an NPS® score usually indicates that the customer is happy with the product or service. It could also mean that they’re simply satisfied with the product and did not give a lower rating because they felt that they may be asked to provide reasons why.

Businesses need to explore the customer journey in detail and find their pain points before they become a problem. Cutting-edge survey platforms of today can even capture audio/video reactions of survey respondents. This is extremely effective for gauging sentiments in a way data just cannot express.

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Customers are humans first – let them know you’re listening to them!

Although taking feedback is always a positive process, customers often feel that it’s all just for show. This makes it difficult to rely on the data they generate

Combating negative feedback is a long term, continuous and vital part of customer experience. You can start by keeping a line of communication open with them – let them know how their feedback has been put to use. Not only will this build your brand in their eyes, but it will also ensure that any data you get from them down the line is more useful for your organization.

It’s okay to keep it light sometimes!

Not every survey has to be one that is striving hard for information or getting intensive feedback! Why not ask customers their favorite flavor of ice cream or their favorite holiday? You can even tie these light hearted quizzes and surveys with incentives to really get customer interaction going.

Light, positive interactions with your customers go a long way in strengthening your bond with the customers, and by extension – your business, more human. It’s not just about their feelings, though, as maintaining a line of communication with your customer plays a key role in ensuring their loyalty.

Getting the Customer Experience just right isn’t possible without making the entire process more “Human”. Data generated by modern survey tools can give researchers audio and video data which virtually gives you a look inside the respondent’s mind – what they’re thinking & how they’re feeling. These can dovetail extremely well with the data generated by NPS® and other standardized survey techniques and help you provide a sustainable and holistic customer experience.

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