Surveys are the best way you can learn how customers choose which brand they love and how fast they can recognize your brand, among others.
A brand equity survey provides you with facts on whether the customers know your brand exists and what they think about your business. This survey is different from your customer satisfaction survey.
This type of survey helps you understand the success and recognition you have achieved in the market. The survey questions can reveal the level of awareness among your target market about your brand.
So what question should you be asking to get this information? Your survey doesn’t need to be a long traditional survey. You can pick the questions that matter the most and can give you meaningful insights.
Questions on awareness
Also often known as brand salience, brand awareness defines to which extent a brand is known among customers. Simply put, which brand name would first pop in customers’ minds when they hear a product or service?
There are three brand equity survey questions you can ask under brand awareness.
Q1. Which Android phone brand comes first to your mind?
This type of awareness is called “Top of Mind” or “Unaided.”
This question puts customers in a spot where any brand does not influence them. They simply name the first brand that comes to their mind.
Q2. Which of these Android phone brands have you heard of?
This is an example of the “Aided Awareness” question.
In this type of question, you offer the respondent a list of names, mostly your competitors, to discover which ones they know.
The major difference between aided and unaided awareness is that in aided questions, you are asking if they have heard about specific brands. While in an unaided question, you leave the customer to give their answer freely without prompting them to think of a specific brand.
Q3. What are the top three mobile brands that come to your mind?
Spontaneous brand equity survey question helps you find out how aware the potential customers are of your brand. It helps you see where you stand among the competitors.
Questions on consideration
How likely are the potential customers to consider buying from your brand when there are so many alternatives?
With a consideration question, you can gauge the future behavior of the target market.
Q4. If your favorite diner closes for a month, which diner would you consider going to?
This is an example of “Relative Consideration.”
This type of question can help you find out if you are a backup plan for potential customers. It can also indicate what your ranking is in the current market.
You can use the information to conduct follow-up research to learn where you are lacking and how you can beat the competition.
Q5. How likely are you to consider (your diner’s name) for a dinner date?
This is an example of “Absolute Consideration.”
Instead of a roundabout question, you directly ask the potential customers whether they will consider engaging with your brand. This gives you insight into whether the customers will consider your brand in the future.
Question on perception
Understand how your customers and prospects perceive your brand. Using a brand equity survey, you can discover what image your brand has in the mind of the target market.
Q6. Which words would you use to describe our brand?
This is an example of Cognitive Perception.
This can tell you which words your customers associate with your brand – are they positive or negative?
Q7. How would you describe your relationship with our brand?
An Emotional Perception question can help you identify the customers’ feelings toward your brand.
Q8. If you were to recommend our brand to your Instagram followers, how would you describe us?
Understanding the language they will use to describe your brand can give you a glimpse of how the customers think about your brand. This is also known as Word Association.
Perception questions can help you find out what kind of ideas or concepts they associate with your brands. This data helps determine the customers’ inclination toward your brand.
Question on relationship
Q9. How likely are you to recommend <your brand name> to your friends? (On a scale of 1 to 10)
An NPS® survey is the strongest indicator of customers’ loyalty toward the brand.
Asking such questions will help you learn what kind of experience your customers have with your brand. A customer with a negative experience will give a lower score, while a positive experience will win you a higher score.
Question on usage
The purchase habit and frequency of your customers in regard to your brand can indicate how loyal they are towards your brand.
Q10. How often do you buy our products?
You can use this question as an open-ended question. For example, a customer can answer it as ‘every time I run out of the product’ or ‘when I can’t find the X brand alternative.’ This way, you can also find the reason for purchase.
Or you can also use it as a closed-ended question in your brand equity survey. This way, you can find out the frequency, trend, and pattern of purchase.
You don’t have to create a long traditional survey to measure equity. You can simply choose an objective and create a micro-survey of 2 or 3 questions. You can use the data to conduct deeper follow-up research.
Some other questions you can use in your brand equity surveys are –
Q11. How long have you been aware of <your brand name>?
You can pose it as an open-ended or closed-ended question. The aim is to find out how recently your customers have learned about you. Discover if it was due to some changes you made recently or if they have been customers since the old days.
Q12. Which of these statements/words would you associate with <your brand name>?
Using a closed-ended question like this can help you see if your marketing strategy is bringing the intended result.
For the answer options, use statements/words which you want your brand to communicate.
- Trustworthy
- Good value
- Quality product
- Innovative
- Reliable
Q13. I think <your brand name> is … (Complete the sentence)
Similar to the Q12, you can ask an open-ended question like this towards the end of the brand equity survey to let customers define you in their own words.
Now that we have learned what questions to ask let’s check out how you can measure it.