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We’ve been avid users of the Voxco platform now for over 20 years. It gives us the flexibility to routinely enhance our survey toolkit and provides our clients with a more robust dataset and story to tell their clients.
Steve Male
VP Innovation & Strategic Partnerships, The Logit Group
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Get exclusive insights into research trends and best practices from top experts! Access Voxco’s ‘State of Research Report 2024 edition’.
We’ve been avid users of the Voxco platform now for over 20 years. It gives us the flexibility to routinely enhance our survey toolkit and provides our clients with a more robust dataset and story to tell their clients.
Steve Male
VP Innovation & Strategic Partnerships, The Logit Group
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Take a peek at our powerful survey features to design surveys that scale discoveries.
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We’ve been avid users of the Voxco platform now for over 20 years. It gives us the flexibility to routinely enhance our survey toolkit and provides our clients with a more robust dataset and story to tell their clients.
Steve Male
VP Innovation & Strategic Partnerships, The Logit Group
Explore Regional Offices
A common mistake that companies often make while using customer journey maps is that they place a very narrow focus on each individual touchpoint rather than trying to understand how each touchpoint plays a role in the larger picture. This narrow focus shifts the attention away from the end-to-end journey of the customer and onto certain parts of the journey instead.
Research has shown that organizations that are able to effectively manage their entire experience enjoy a range of benefits including increased customer retention rate, increased customer satisfaction, improved employee satisfaction, and a better bottom line.
Download our guide to read the insights to supercharge your customer experience programs.
Although the data derived regarding individual touchpoints is very valuable, the issue regarding the narrow focus on them leads to broken service-delivery chains. Companies can use the following four steps to fix these delivery chains and enhance CX in the process:
By clearly and effectively defining customer journeys using judgement-driven and data-driven analysis, companies can identify the most significant journeys and the pain points that are within them.
Organizations that are simply aiming to fix a few problems within certain customer journeys can benefit from simply employing a top-down problem-solving approach. However, organizations that want to transform the overall customer experience will need to create comprehensive customer journey maps for each unique journey. This map must outline the ways in which optimizing the journey will benefit the organization so that feasible strategies and initiatives can be devised. This takes more of a bottom-up problem-solving approach that begins with additional research into customers’ journeys to understand which ones have the most significant impact on customers and on their perception of business performance.
Once an organization has carried out all the research required to have a thorough understanding of its key customer journeys, it must take the next step and examine each journey to understand how it influences the organization’s current performance. This will require additional research for which the organization can use data sources such as employee and customer focus groups. This, in amalgamation with the conducted bottom-up analysis, will allow you to map out the most significant variations of the different customer journeys and hence the steps a customer is likely to take from the start to the end of their journey. This research will provide you with valuable insights on the touchpoints that prevent conversion and its causes, highlighting processes that unintentionally influence adverse effects.
Companies aiming to enhance their overall customer journey maps can see improved operational benefits by integrating a well-structured approach. By adopting innovative strategies, they can address the pain points found within key journeys. In doing so, incorporating tools that improve logistics with route planning can greatly optimize service delivery processes and boost customer satisfaction. Understanding these journeys and pinpointing exact inefficiencies allows organizations to not just react but proactively engage improvements.
The next step is to redesign the customer journey by initiating solutions that engage the company’s front-line workers. The cause of poor customer experience always roots from the inside and is often a result of cross-functional disconnects. It is therefore key to ensure that cross-functional teams begin working together to identify problems and come up with solutions that are feasible for all departments and can help improve CX effectively.
Once all the research has been done and the problems and solutions have been identified, then comes the most crucial step: the initiation of change. This is the most challenging step as you must figure out how this change can be implemented to scale and how these initiatives can be sustained for the long run to ensure an improved customer experience. There are two significant changes that are often required when initiating significant change at scale in customer journeys:
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Customer experience refers to the customer perception of their end-to-end journey with a brand. This perception is shaped by the cumulative interactions, or touchpoints, they have with a brand from the start to the end of their customer journey.
Broken service-delivery chains are a result of a narrow focus on specific touchpoints rather than the entire customer journey as a whole.
Siloed service delivery leads to poor customer experience because when companies fail to focus on how different touchpoints come together to shape overall CX, they are unable to create an optimized and seamless customer journey.
Companies can use the following four steps to initiate a change that improves CX by repairing their broken service-delivery chains:
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