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Product Survey Questions


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A product survey is a series of questions sent to a subset of our user base with the goal of gathering meaningful user input regarding the state of our user experience. Product surveys assist us in developing a data-centric knowledge of our consumers, which benefits not only our firm but also user interest.

What is a product survey?

Companies utilize product surveys to gather customer input on a specific product. They can be involved in all aspects of the product life cycle, including product idea, design, pricing, and launch. It helps us determine if we are on the correct course or whether we need to make any changes. Fixing problems early on may save a lot of time and effort later on, lowering the risk of performance difficulties.

A product survey assists businesses in determining their market position. It shows us if our product’s features meet the expectations of the user. Collecting feedback on a regular basis can help us gather insights that can be used in future editions of a product.

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Purpose of product survey 

Gain crucial customer feedback:

The main goal of the product survey is to provide marketing and business managers with a platform to gather critical information about their customers in order to maintain existing customers and attract new ones.

Recognize the customer’s proclivity to purchase products:

Details such as whether consumers will spend a specific amount of money on their products/services, customer propensity levels toward new features or items, what their opinions are on competing products, and so on.

Improve current products and services:

A product survey may be used to improve existing products, examine customer satisfaction levels, gather data on their market perception, and create a buyer persona utilizing information from an existing clientele database.

Make well-informed company judgments:

Data acquired from product surveys is useful in making substantial changes in the firm, lowering the level of risk associated in making crucial business decisions.

Stages of product survey cycle

The product cycle is a useful approach to comprehend a product survey. Let’s break it down into manageable chunks.

Step 1: Establishing research goals

This implies we must first determine our learning requirements in order to choose the appropriate customer survey type to employ and the best survey approach to get the information we want.

Step 2: Identifying the best target for our sample

There’s no reason to interview everyone in our target demographic. Obtaining a sample slice of the cake will suffice to answer our questions and provide the key data we want.

We may use the following probability strategies to choose our sample:

  • Random: everyone has an equal chance of being chosen at random.
  • Systematic: people are chosen at regular intervals.
  • Stratified: the population is separated into groups based on several factors, and individuals are then randomly selected within the groups.
  • Clustered: the population is divided into groups in the same way as in the preceding choice, but then whole clusters are chosen at random.

Step 3: Asking the Appropriate Questions

We’ll need to ask the correct questions depending on the sort of survey we’re generating. These might be open-ended or closed-ended questions, multiple-choice or emoji-based questions, star rating questions, demographic questions, preference questions, emotional state questions, and other types of inquiries.

For instance, we may ask:

  • How do you feel about this new feature?
  • Would you suggest our product to your coworkers?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rank our product?
  • Which of the following sentences most accurately describes you?
  • How simple was this step? How long did it take you to finish?

By asking the correct survey questions at the right time, you can gather the most meaningful feedback from your consumers.

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Step 4: Drafting the first version of our product survey

First, we may make a list of the questions that need to be answered. To prevent losing our responders’ interest, there should be no more than 10-12 questions.

Then, consider the product survey design:

  • How do you organize the questions?
  • What should consumers respond to at any given time?
  • Is the design appropriate for your company’s style?
  • Is the survey design intended to improve the user experience?
  • Where should your survey be placed and how should it be presented?

These are just a few of the questions to think about; the final list will be determined by the sort of customer survey we design.

Step 5: Selecting the most appropriate user feedback techniques for our product surveys

We will be able to develop customized, short-form surveys that will display within the product and enlighten replies by associating relevant facts and information, such as when and where a decision was made in the user journey, using the finest user feedback tools.

Typical customer feedback questionnaires that are not dissatisfied with the product will be longer and sent through email or web form. We may select from a number of online survey solutions for this purpose.

If we want to run our surveys in-product, we can utilize a user feedback tool like Chameleon to develop and execute in-app micro surveys that will help us better understand the user’s motivation and collect more accurate data.

Capturing user input at that precise time is more beneficial than asking consumers about the product in general because:

  • With a decreased response rate, general feedback might be hazy.
  • Surveys conducted through non-product channels may be out of context.

Step 6: Make the product survey public.

Publish (or conduct) the survey while preserving our users’ confidentiality, asking one question at a time, and avoiding influencing users’ opinions through question formulation.

Keep in mind that the time required for a response, not the quantity of inquiries, should be prioritized. Also, if a user does not wish to respond right away, you should always provide an exit strategy. This may be accomplished with a user feedback instrument by including a “snooze” option for later re-opening the survey.

Step 7: Improve and iterate on the survey

The first product survey we create will not be the last. We should iterate and improve depending on user input, just like we would with any other development. Remember to incorporate this in our objectives, especially if we’re just starting off.

Maybe we started with a tiny sample this time, but next time we can think about expanding our piece of cake.

Step 8: Analyze the results

We’ll be able to infer for the remainder of our target group based on the survey findings, which will become statistics. Check to see whether they support or refute our theories. Look for commonalities as well as brand-new discoveries.

Then, using our findings, tweak our product and improve the customer experience by solving customer issues and increasing customer satisfaction scores over time. 

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Importance of product survey 

1. Understanding the target market’s demand and supply chain:

A product is more likely to succeed if it is created with the target market’s demand and supply in mind. Marketers may gain insights on market capacity to absorb new goods and concepts in order to produce customer-centric products and features in this manner.

2. Creating well-thought-out marketing plans:

The entire world is a target market for a company, especially a well-established one. Obtaining data from the target market through rigorous market research employing product surveys and segmentation may be used to develop solid and long-term marketing strategy.

3. Determine consumer expectations and needs:

All marketing actions concentrate around the acquisition of new customers. Product surveys are required by all small and big enterprises to collect feedback from their target audience on a regular basis, employing customer satisfaction methods such as Net Promoter Score®, Customer Effort Score, Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), and so on. Organizations may use customer feedback to assess customer experience, satisfaction, and expectations, among other things.

4. Obtain information about consumer demographics:

Customer demographics are at the heart of every organization, and product surveys may be used to gather nuanced and sensitive information about customer demographics such as race, ethnicity, and family income.

Examples of product survey questions 

  • How frequently do you utilize our products?

We can learn which goods our clients use and how frequently they use them by asking this question.

This will make the next questions much more useful—we’ll be able to identify which items make people happy, which don’t, and which things our most loyal customers utilize.

  • Which characteristics are most important to you?

It’s doubtful that we’ll just provide a single product with a single feature. This question tells us which aspects of our product are the most important to our customers.

We could even be astonished to hear that our clients utilize our product in ways that we never envisioned. Perhaps a minor element, which we may have included as an afterthought, is what keeps people coming back.

  • How would you rate our products in comparison to those of our competitors?

If we have a product, someone else will have something comparable. We want to know how we compare.

Knowing where our product fits in the market, or at least how our consumers perceive it, may reveal some pretty helpful information. It can inform us how to advertise our goods to the right people in the right way.

  • What essential aspects are we missing?

This will assist with future goods and features. Companies frequently invest a significant amount of time and money in developing a new product only to discover that their customers have no use for it.

This query may even disclose minor details that we had overlooked that might be implemented.

  • What problem are you attempting to remedy by utilizing our product?

Our product is used by our customers since it addresses an issue for them. It’s as easy as that. But do we truly understand what problem is being addressed here?

Asking this question may reveal areas of our product that need to be improved. It may even pave the way for future goods or features. Consider the possibility that our existing product is being utilized for something we are unaware of. Consider how popular it could be if we concentrated on one issue as much as we did on the others.

  • Who else could benefit from our product?

Asking this question is a terrific method to identify possible new consumers for our product—possibly even a whole set of people we had never considered as our target demographic. And while finding new individuals to promote our goods to may be challenging, why not enlist the assistance of our current customers?

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  • How simple is it to put our product to use?

Our product may be satisfactory to seasoned consumers, but what about new sign-ups?

In this case, we may discover that the product isn’t as straightforward as we imagined, which might turn off new users if they become annoyed. Consider simplifying various aspects of the product, as well as providing video lessons or useful pointers throughout.

  • What is your opinion of the value for money?

Knowing how economical our product is for our clients is quite important.

If it’s too pricey, consider how many potential sales we’ve missed by just pricing out some of the more value-conscious customers.

And what if individuals believe that the value for money is excellent? Then it may be time to develop some premium features in order to create more cash.

  • How likely is it that you will suggest this product to others?

This is one of the most often asked survey questions. With good cause.

Our Net Promoter Score® tells us how our consumers are recommending our product to others. If it’s favorable, we’ll have a large group of individuals promoting us.

If it is unfavorable, it emphasizes the importance of this entire survey. If our consumers are complaining about us or considering leaving, we really need this information.

So let them know they’ve been heard and inform them of the modifications we’ll be implementing. We may be generating money today, but disgruntled consumers rarely return.

  • What changes could we make to our product to better satisfy your needs?

This is a broad yet basic question, yet it is critical.

Our clients understand how valuable our product is better than anybody else. By asking this question, we can determine where we should focus our efforts in order to make our clients as happy as possible.

This question should be saved until the conclusion of our survey. We want our readers to have time to consider the product, therefore we ask them the preceding questions first.

As a result of asking this as a last question, everyone who responds to our survey should have a clear and recent memory of our product and their experience with it.

Types of customer surveys that can be used in product surveys 


An NPS survey assesses if a user is likely to suggest our product or service to a friend. This aids in the measurement of client loyalty and the identification of distinct consumer categories.

The outcomes are graded on a scale of 0 to 10, and are classified as follows:

Opponents (0-6)

The passive voice (7-8)

Those who promote (9-10)


The CES (Customer Effort Score) survey is useful for determining the degree of effort required by a customer to connect with a firm.

For example, when they wish to resolve a problem, purchase or return a product. The theory here is that customers will be more engaged if the degree of effort required by the brand is reduced.

Sometimes responders will use a scale ranging from “extremely simple” to “very difficult,” but we can also see emoji alternatives or 1-5 scales. 


The CSAT (Customer Satisfaction) product survey indicates satisfaction as well, although it is not the same as NPS. NPS assesses overall satisfaction, whereas CSAT simply assesses particular experiences.

For this micro survey, we’ll see scales ranging from 1 to 5, emoticons, and even sentences. We should keep things as straightforward as possible. The five options indicate varying levels of satisfaction:

  • Very unsatisfied (1)
  • Unsatisfied (2)
  • Neutral (3)
  • Satisfied (4)
  • Very satisfied (5)


The product-market fit product survey is a one-question survey meant to determine whether we have achieved product-market fit for a certain customer category. This would imply that we have validated our initial value hypothesis. We would have demonstrated that we were correct about why a user should select our product or service.

We should only poll current users (less than two weeks after they sign up) and those who have used our product or service at least twice. The following will be the question:

How would you feel if you couldn’t utilize [product / service] anymore?

Among the responses will be:

  • Very disappointed
  • Somewhat disappointed 
  • Not disappointed (although it isn’t particularly useful)
  • N/A – I don’t use the product anymore.


A competitor usability testing survey can help us better understand the product we need to design. This technique will assist us understand our rivals’ areas for improvement, the attitude of our target users, and some other insights regarding our value offer.

The process is the same as if we were conducting usability testing on ourselves, but on a rival. The premise is that sometimes a minor improvement to a product concept may make a significant impact to the user.


The “aha!” reaction is a pleasant emotional reaction to the discovery of a feature. It can happen during the first use of the product, or even before attempting to use it. It may also occur after the consumer has used the solution for some time.

An “aha!” moment discovery survey can pinpoint the exact instant when our user realized the genuine value of our solution. This implies it will assist us in determining when (and why) they actually interacted with our brand.


One of the most effective ways for our product team to obtain insights to drive product growth is to collect user input on a continuous basis. Using different sorts of customer surveys and user feedback tools to perform contextual in-product surveys may be a huge addition to our product and UX changes, iterations, and upgrades.

The type of product survey we conduct will be determined by our needs and the goals we want to achieve. Once we’ve decided on a survey type, the next steps will be to segment users, select the right type of questions, design surveys to increase engagement, and then analyze data, evaluate results, and identify areas for improvement.

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Net Promoter®, NPS®, NPS Prism®, and the NPS-related emoticons are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc., and Fred Reichheld. Net Promoter Score℠ and Net Promoter System℠ are service marks of Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc., and Fred Reichheld.

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