Hcahps survey questions: definition and questions Hcahps survey

Hcahps survey questions: definition and questions


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What is Hcahps survey?

Hcahps survey is abbreviated for the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems Survey. Hcahp is easily the best method for measuring a patient’s perspective and with respect to the treatment in a particular healthcare facility. Been in motion since 2006, hcahp or cahps survey is nationally identified as a standard and publicly reported survey technique.

Pronounced as “H-caps”, is initiated by CMS (Centres for Medicare & Medicaid Services) and AHRQ (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality). In this article, we will be looking at Hcahps survey questions. Although they might seem simple, they are initially framed suing high-standards with multiple process steps.

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When and How are Hcahps surveys conducted?

Hcahps surveys are generally given to the patients shortly after they have been released from the healthcare facility. This survey includes direct questions that will straight-up get reviews and perceptions from the patients that were admitted there. 

For it to be convenient for the patients to respond to the survey, various electronic means are used to distribute the survey so that it brings in as many responses as possible and minimize survey abandonment rates. Although, to do so hospitals need CMS approval. 

Hcahp surveys require the hospitals to keep the survey questions updated which will also abide by the HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) privacy rule. Hospitals then use the results of these surveys for their service and treatment betterments and derive new objectives for the facility.

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Who can give Hcahps survey?

There are certain considerations for who and when can the patients take the Hcahps survey. Random samples of patients are selected to take the survey who are admitted to the hospital for any kind of medical treatment. This excludes patients who went through surgery on the same day, who were admitted for a longer treatment, any psychiatric patients, etc. 

There are certain protocols laid down by the CMS which are as follows:

  • Patients must be surveyed within six weeks after their discharge.
  • HCAHPS surveys must be made available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Vietnamese, and Portuguese.
  • Vendors or hospitals can make multiple attempts to contact patients for a response.
  • Hospitals must collect surveys throughout the month.
  • Hospitals must collect 300 surveys per year.

Click here to see the standard guidelines for the Hcahps survey quality assurance, sampling, data collection and submission.

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Hchaps survey questions

As said earlier, Hcahps survey questions seem straightforward from above but the government has reviewed the available literature available at that time, did consumer testing, interviews, focus groups and various other tests, to have a well-structured questionnaire. 

The written version of the Hcahps Survey is now available in English, Spanish, Russian, Vietnamese and Chinese and the telephone and IVR versions are available in English and Spanish. Let’s see some categorized Hcahps survey questions:

  • Care from nurses

How often did nurses treat you with courtesy and respect, while you were staying in this hospital?

How often did nurses listen carefully and patiently to you, while you were staying in this hospital?

How often did nurses explain things in an understandable way, while you were staying in this hospital?

After you pressed the call button, how often did you get help as soon as you wanted it, while you were staying in this hospital?

  • Care from Doctors

How often did doctors treat you with courtesy and respect, during your hospital stay?

How often did doctors listen carefully to you, during your hospital stay?

How often did doctors explain things in a way you could understand, during your hospital stay?

  • Hospital Environment

How often were your room and bathroom cleaned, while you were staying in this hospital?

How often quiet was the area surrounding your room, while you were staying in this hospital?

  • Experience in This Hospital

Did you need help from nurses or other hospital staff in getting to the bathroom or in using a bedpan?

How often did you get help in getting to the bathroom or in using a bedpan as soon as you wanted?

Did you need pain medicine?

How often your pain was well dealt with?

How often did the hospital staff try their best to help you with your pain?

Were you given any medicine that you had not taken before?

Before giving you any new medicine, how often did hospital staff educate you about the medicine?

Before giving you any new medicine, how often did hospital staff describe possible side effects in an understanding way?

  • After leaving the Hospital

After you left the hospital, did you go directly to your own home, to someone else’s home, or another health facility?

Did doctors, nurses or other hospital staff talk with you about whether you would have the help you needed when you left the hospital?

Did you get information in writing about what symptoms or health problems to look out for after you left the hospital?

  • Overall Rating of the Hospital

Rate this hospital on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is the worst hospital possible and 10 is the best hospital possible.

Would you recommend this hospital to your friends and family?

  • Personal information

How would you rate your overall health?

What is the highest grade of school that you have completed?

Are you of English origin?

What is your race? Please choose from the following.

What is your mother tongue?

Apart from these questions, we provide you with a sample Hcahps survey here, so that you get an idea so as to how it actually looks

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