Employee Engagement Survey Questions


Employee Engagement Survey Questions Employee Engagement
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The performance of an employee has a significant impact on the organisation’s success. Productivity, retention, employee satisfaction, and other factors influence an employee’s level of involvement. To increase employee engagement, you must first understand them. This begins by asking them a series of questions revolving around their work experience. With today’s remote work culture, it’s even more crucial to stay in touch with them. This is why employee satisfaction surveys are important.

This article will explain what an employee engagement survey is and why it’s important. It will also include some sample employee engagement survey questions.

Exploratory Research Guide

Conducting exploratory research seems tricky but an effective guide can help.

What is an Employee Engagement Survey?

Employee Engagement Surveys are used to measure the engagement levels of employees with an organization. It’s important to gain an insight into the feelings of employees working at your organization. Engagement surveys help you assess the factors that affect the performance of employees. It could be the work environment, pay scale, policies in place, etc. 

Employees are the core of your organization. Engaged employees strive to perform well and contribute to your organization’s success. If you want to analyze where you stand, it is important to ask the employees about their thoughts towards work. Employee engagement surveys can help you identify any shortcomings and enhance the engagement levels of employees. 

Employee engagement surveys allow a company to focus on specific challenges that employees are facing and improve the workplace. Employees who work in a pleasant atmosphere are more satisfied with their jobs, which leads to increased customer satisfaction.

Employee Engagement Survey Questions Employee Engagement

Importance of Employee Engagement Surveys

  • Employee engagement surveys allow the employees to share their feelings anonymously. Sometimes, they may be hesitant to share their honest feedback directly to their managers. Surveys are a great way to get honest, anonymous feedback.
  • They bridge the gap between employees and the organization. Engagement surveys highlight the issues that managers may be unaware of. Considering the current situation, the shift to remote work was sudden. There was little time to adapt to this new work culture. Therefore, there are still aspects of the employee-workplace connection that demand special attention. 
  • Responses to the same questions can be compared to previous responses to see whether there have been any improvements. Organizations can set a baseline against which they can track their progress over time.
  • Engagement surveys give a sense of inclusion to the employees. When you encourage employees to give their feedback, they feel valued. When the feedback is transformed into actions, they feel recognized and trusted. 


See Voxco survey software in action with a Free demo.

See Voxco survey software in action with a Free demo.

Employee engagement survey questions to ask


  • Do you feel at ease sharing your thoughts and opinions at the organization?
  • Do you think the management team is open and honest?
  • Do you feel safe asking for help?
  • Do you feel comfortable sharing work-related issues with your manager?
  • Do you have a good understanding of your coworkers?
  • Do you feel comfortable sharing feedback with your manager?
  • Do you feel valued when you share inputs?

Work Environment

  • What do you have to say about the organization’s work environment?
  • Do you feel comfortable at work?
  • Is the company committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment?
  • Are you given all the resources you need to work?
  • Does the organization as a whole contribute to a positive work environment?

Personal growth

  • Would you like to take on any new opportunities? If yes, please elaborate.
  • What new technologies would you like to learn?
  • Do you feel your career goal is valued at the organization?
  • Do your colleagues and managers give importance to your career growth?
  • Do you have all the resources to achieve your career goals?
  • Is the work done by you in alignment with your personal goals?
  • Are you given enough opportunities to grow?
  • Do you feel you have a future with the company?
  • Are you satisfied with the pay scale and benefits offered to you?

Employee Retention

  • Are you able to give it your best in the organization?
  • Do you see yourself working here in a year?


  • Does your manager value your opinions?
  • Does the top management contribute to a positive workplace?
  • Do you agree with the company’s objectives?
  • Do you agree with the top management’s way of achieving the company goals?

Employee wellbeing

  • How would you rate your mental wellbeing? (Choice: Excellent – Poor)
  • Is the organization concerned about your physical and mental health?
  • Do you feel the company has a well-defined wellness program?
  • Do you enjoy a healthy work-life balance?
  • Has your boss inquired about your health in the last 7 days?
  • Does the organization show concern for the employees’ wellbeing?

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