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Elevating customer experience through IVR Surveys

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As customers are likely to spend 140% more on a brand that offers a positive experience, most companies have realized the importance of delivering exceptional customer experiences. An IVR (Interactive Voice Response) survey plays a key role in defining your CX. Being an integral part of cloud telephony, an IVR survey is an automated telephonic survey that enables customers to answer pre-recorded questions through their telephone keypad. Let’s understand the role of IVR surveys in improving CX and how to get the best value from it.

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How IVR surveys can improve customer experience?

Elevating customer experience through IVR Surveys 06

As customers are the ideal source for determining the effectiveness of a brand’s customer service efforts, sending an immediate IVR survey post-interaction can help to gain detailed feedback about their experience. In this way, you get to analyze and work on the insightful data quickly instead of scouring the web for information that’s not even useful. Leveraging an IVR survey can help you gather as well as analyze actionable data in a limited period of time. Here’s how an IVR survey can improve customer experience:

  • Customers feel valued: Since 86% of customers are willing to pay more for a better CX, using an IVR survey indicates that a company values its customers and is willing to listen to them. It plays a key role in understanding customers’ opinions and reaching out to them at the moment of impact.
  • No wastage of time: An efficiently designed IVR survey empowers a brand to gather input from their customers quickly. As feedback is solicited quickly, companies get more time to work on their processes and boost the overall experience. In an IVR survey, the utility of qualitative data gets integrated with the efficiency of quantitative reporting, which makes it a popular method for data collection.
  • Measure everything that matters: By catering to the desired goals or emphasizing the crucial areas, an IVR survey helps to measure what matters most (to the customers). It also seamlessly integrates with third-party databases related to Voice of the Customer (VoC) for incorporating information that is relevant to the customers. This plays a pivotal role in increasing survey completion rates and collecting more relevant CX data.

Where your IVR can go wrong?

Many businesses design their IVR systems with the wrong intent, i.e. by prioritizing their cost-reduction objectives rather than focusing on customer experience. This leads to common problems such as:

  • A standardized mentality
    As IVR implementations are designed to reduce the volume of calls, the callers are prevented from getting in touch with an agent. There are no attempts for differentiating the type of received calls and the reasons behind them. This makes the entire system clumsy and time-consuming for customers. Also, opportunities that can add value are lost. For instance, a premium customer and a new customer are treated in the same way and different phone numbers at multiple entry points increase complexity levels across the initial customer engagement.
  • Confusing terminology
    The structures and terms used in an IVR system often reflect the internal terminologies and processes of a company instead of highlighting the needs of the customers.
  • Lack of updates
    As customer needs keep changing with time, brands are often slow at modifying their IVR systems. For instance, any changes in the product portfolio might not reflect instantly in the IVR options. In most cases, there is a lack of coordination among the team working on the IVR system and the team working on product & strategy changes.
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Making the most of your IVR Surveys

Since the main objective of IVR surveys is to elevate the customer experience by providing quicker resolution to their queries, here’s how you can make the most of your IVR surveys to boost brand loyalty: 

  • Using clear and concise language
    With IVR surveys, it is important to use simple language that is easy to understand. Also, consistency in terms of  IVR terminology should be maintained across all channels.


  • Keeping popular option on the top
    At the time of assigning keypress, it’s essential to determine the most popular option and give it the first position. For example, if your IVR survey says “Press one for Design, two for development, and three for marketing.” If development is the option that’s most popular, you should reassign the keypress to read –  “Press one for development.”


  • Building a simple flow
    Leverage easy and simple flow logic in your IVR survey to ensure customers hit the concerned department and quickly get all the information they need.


  • Hiring a team of professionals
    Handling customer issues and resolving them quickly can be tough. That’s why it’s important to hire a team of experts for conducting your IVR surveys. Voxco’s experts can help you conduct cost-effective IVR surveys anywhere, anytime. An untrained or low-skilled agent might not be able to cater to your customers well and put their call on hold for a longer time. This can annoy your customers and your brand may lose its loyal customers!  


  • Showing customers that you care
    To let customers know that you care for them, it’s imperative to reduce the amount of time consumed in resolving their queries. Also, you must use notes or disposition codes for effectively tracking the previous interactions so customers don’t have to repeatedly explain themselves!


  • Automating repetitive processes
    Identify the areas that are being frequently used and configure an IVR flow that could help to fetch the required results without any human intervention. This helps to save time for issues that matter more. 

With more than two-thirds of companies competing primarily on the basis of CX, focusing on customer feedback has become the need of the hour. Voxco offers state-of-the-art IVR surveys that empower you to gather feedback from a broad audience through simple touch-tone phone interactions. 

Voxco is trusted by Top 50 Market Research firms, Global Brands & Universities in 40 countries. Voxco offers full omnichannel capability including CATI, Predictive Dialler, Online surveys, offline CAPI, and Panel Management.
Picture of Sahaj Sharma

Sahaj Sharma

Sahaj Sharma is a content marketer at Voxco. Owning a bachelor’s degree in computer science engineering, he loves exploring digital industry trends and creating content to help businesses shape their market presence. Apart from content creation, the other three things that vie his mind share are fashion, food, and travel.