College Survey Questions: Student Feedback for Success


College survey: 20 questions for student surveys Data Extraction
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Educational institutions like colleges and universities are coming to realize that students’ feedback and participation can help to improve the quality of education offered as well as the general experiences that individual students get. One simple and direct way to gather student feedback is by utilizing college surveys. 

Surveys provide a platform for students to share their honest thoughts, opinions, and suggestions about the institution in general and various other intricate factors that impact their student journey. 

In this blog, we’ll explore the many types of college surveys and look into some survey questions you can ask to gauge student experience. 

What is a college survey?

College surveys, like any other survey but surveys for college students, these surveys are determined to understand what students think about their educational environment and practices. These practices include the educational curriculum, environment where they work in, study plans, college life issues that can affect educational environment and so on.

For example, a college runs a training program for its students on soft skills. The management will then decide to conduct a student survey questions  at the college level to get the student’s feedback on the training program and how it helped them enhance their soft skills. 

They can use a predefined training program feedback survey and share it with the students to understand what they think about the system and changes that most of them feel should be implemented.

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College survey questions

Here, we have written twenty questions for a university survey which would show you the kind of questions that can be asked when seeking students’ responses.

  1. How likely are you to recommend this college to your friends and family?
  2. How satisfied/dissatisfied are you with the teaching staff and their methods?
  • Very satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Neutral
  • Dissatisfied
  • Very dissatisfied
  1. How satisfied/dissatisfied are you with the facilities and amenities provided on the college campus? 
  • Extremely satisfied
  • Very satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Neutral
  • Dissatisfied
  • Very dissatisfied
  • Extremely dissatisfied
  1. Is it easy to access the resources through the college library? 
  • Yes
  • No
  1. How satisfied are you with your admission process in college?
  • Extremely satisfied
  • Very satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Neutral
  • Dissatisfied
  • Very dissatisfied
  • Extremely dissatisfied
  1. What are your views on the cafeteria and its hygiene and food quality?
  • Extremely satisfied
  • Very satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Neutral
  • Dissatisfied
  • Very dissatisfied
  • Extremely dissatisfied
  1. How supportive are the family members with regard to your issues?
  • Extremely supportive
  • Very supportive
  • Supportive
  • Neutral
  • Unsupportive
  • Very unsupportive
  • Extremely unsupportive
  1. What are your views on the hostel crowd?
  • Extremely crowded
  • Very crowded
  • Somewhat crowded
  • Not so crowded
  • Not at all crowded
  1. Were the faculty and support staff helpful enough when you needed them? 
  • Very helpful
  • Helpful
  • Neither helpful nor unhelpful
  • Unhelpful
  • Very unhelpful
  1. How likely are you to consider continuing in this college next year?
  1. How satisfied are you with your accommodation facilities?
  • Extremely satisfied
  • Very satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Neutral
  • Dissatisfied
  • Very dissatisfied
  • Extremely dissatisfied
  1. Will you be looking forward to pursuing another course in this college?
  • Definitely, Yes
  • Probably, Yes
  • Probably, No
  • Definitely, No
  • Can’t say
  1. Do you think it is a good idea for your siblings or friends to pursue their career in this college?
  • Definitely, Yes
  • Probably, Yes
  • Probably, No
  • Definitely, No
  • Can’t say
  1. Do you have a part-time job? If yes, then how many hours do you work/
  • I don’t have a job
  • 1-10 hours a week
  • 11-15 hours a week
  • 16-20 hours a week
  • More than 20 hours a week
  1. Do you find any difficulties in managing both college and job?
  • I don’t have a job
  • No, I manage them both well
  • Yes, but rarely
  • Yes, often
  • Yes, always
  1. What are your views on the extra-curricular activities carried out in this college?
  • They are too few
  • They are just right
  • I was overwhelmed by the number
  1. Do you think college pays enough attention to racial and ethnic biases?
  • Definitely, Yes
  • Probably, Yes
  • Probably, No
  • Definitely, No
  • Can’t say
  1. Do you think the college responds accurately to bullying cases?
  • Definitely, Yes
  • Probably, Yes
  • Probably, No
  • Definitely, No
  • Can’t say
  1. What is your overall experience with the college?
  • Extremely satisfied
  • Very satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Neutral
  • Dissatisfied
  • Very dissatisfied
  • Extremely dissatisfied
  1. Please feel free to give your additional input on your experience with this college.

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Types of college surveys

Let’s look at seven types of college surveys and questionnaire topics for students you can conduct based on various circumstances. 

  • General student experience surveys
  • Faculty and administration surveys
  • Course evaluation surveys
  • Campus safety surveys 
  • Student support services survey
  • Diversity and Inclusion survey/Campus climate surveys
  • Orientation survey

1. General student experience survey – 

College surveys can be and are mostly dedicated to the students pursuing their careers in college. The survey can be about their everyday experiences, training and education methods, teaching methods and staff, racial or ethnic biases or issues they must be facing, or just overall feedback on the college. 

Conducting student surveys should be made a regular practice at every university to have a transparent relationship with the students and help them gain the most from their college.

General student experience college survey questions – 

  1. Rate your level of satisfaction with the quality of education our college provides.
  2. Are you satisfied with the versatility of extracurricular activities available on campus?
  3. How would you rate the availability of resources such as study space, libraries, computer labs, and science labs?

2. Faculty and administration surveys – 

Apart from the students, other people at the college like teaching staff, non-teaching staff, administration and other team members might also face some challenges and issues. 

It is just as important to hear out their feedback and expectations and give them the priority in solving those issues for them. Doing so will increase their productivity and job satisfaction and will help them focus better on the students.

Faculty and administration survey questions –

  1. Rate how effective the communication between the faculty/administration and student is regarding important updates. 
  2. Do you feel the faculty considers and values your feedback?

3. Course evaluation surveys – 

Another important aspect of the colleges along with their students and faculty is what course does the faculty teach their students. It is just as important to carry out course evaluation surveys to keep track of what courses are being taught and how. 

It will also help the college management to keep updating the courses and curriculum according to the latest trends in the education fields by conducting education survey questions

College course evaluation survey questions – 

  1. How well did the course materials align with the learning objectives of this semester?
  2. Did the instructor effectively communicate the course content?
  3. Were the assessments fair as per the course material? 

4. Campus safety – 

It’s very important for the college to carry out its responsibility to look after its students. There are so many unjust practices that are followed by the students within themselves, and the college management doesn’t sometimes have a clue about it. 

Carrying out campus safety surveys with the students can help them understand the everyday challenges students face on campus regarding racial biases, ethnic biases, and bullying to something else. Keeping track of such practices will help a college build a healthy environment for its students.

College assessment on campus safety –

  1. How comfortable do you feel reporting any safety concerns to the authorities?
  2. Are you aware of the safety resources and programs offered by the institution?
  3. Do you believe the institution takes adequate measures to address safety concern for all students?

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40+ Question Types, advanced logic, branching, CSS customization, white-label, multi-lingual surveys, and more.

5. Student support services survey – 

An inquiry questionnaire for assisting the current students enables you to collate the feedback from them concerning all services they receive in the institution. This will assist you in determining how familiar or conversant learners are with the existing supporting mechanisms, their level of satisfaction plus personal experiences from these aids.

These support services can vary from academic advising and tutoring to mental health resources, disability services, or career counseling. The insights help you identify areas for improvement in the support services and enhance or develop new initiatives. 

College assessment of student support services – 

  1. Are you aware of the various support services offered by the institution?
  2. How satisfied are you with the assistance you have received from the support services?
  3. Do you have any suggestions to improve the student support services?

6. Diversity and Inclusion survey/Campus climate surveys – 

This type of college survey aims to assess inclusivity, diversity, discrimination, and feeling of belonging among college students. The evaluation helps you understand the social and cultural environment on campus, enabling you to identify areas that require more inclusive and supportive interventions. 

The student survey questions helps you understand students’ feelings and experiences with discrimination or bias and their challenges in the institution. It enables you to gain insights into students’ perceptions of the campus climate, safety, and belonging for underrepresented groups. 

Campus climate surveys – 

  1. Do you feel that the institute fosters an inclusive environment for students from diverse backgrounds?
  2. Have you experienced any discrimination on campus?

7. Orientation survey – 

Orientation feedback from new students at the beginning of their college journey helps you assess their preparedness, expectations, and needs. It also helps you identify how you need to support the student in their transition process. 


These are some examples of different types of college assessments that institutions can use to gather insights from their students. 

College assessment on orientation – 

  1. How helpful was the orientation program in acclimating you to the college campus?
  2. Did the orientation program help you connect with fellow students around the campus?
  3. Is there any specific program you were looking forward to during the program?
  4. Do you have any suggestions to enhance the orientation experience for future students?

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College surveys are fruitful instruments that help in promoting student welfare and pushing administration to adopt positive changes. Petitioning and hearkening to students’ voices will help you learn more about their requirements and obstacles. Surveys in colleges assist in capturing the true essence of learners’ voices in the transformation of any learning institutions to student-focused havens where everyone is included and supported. Utilize modern online survey software which let you create

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