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Brand Awareness Tracking: 5 Strategies that can be used to Effectively Track Brand Awareness


Table of Contents

What is Brand Awareness?

Brand Awareness is a marketing term that refers to the degree of customer recognition of a product by its name alone. Organizations that have high brand awareness, such as Coca-Cola and Nike, enjoy a plethora of benefits such as increased sales, increased credibility, and high customer trust. Therefore, establishing brand awareness is a useful marketing strategy that helps catch the attention of consumers and increase sales. Most marketing strategies are created with the goal of establishing such awareness to make the brand recognizable and memorable. 

Before brand awareness can be established, organizations must have an idea of the current level of awareness of their brand, and must also understand the different characteristics that contribute to creating brand awareness. They can do so by tracking brand awareness using the different methods included in this article.

Brand Awareness Guide

Importance of Tracking Brand Awareness

If you’re familiar with the different stages of customer journey, you’ll know that the first stage is “awareness”. Only once a customer is aware of your brand can they consider your offerings and make a purchase. Therefore, focusing on tracking brand awareness is often considered the first step to driving performance-related marketing goals.

Measure and Track Brand Awareness using these 5 Effective Strategies

Let’s look at 5 strategies that are easy to employ, and can help you track brand awareness effectively.

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Measure Direct Traffic

Direct traffic refers to the website visits that resulted from users typing your website URL into a browser or through browser bookmarks. When customers go directly to your site, it means that they were aware of your brand beforehand. Therefore, measuring and tracking the changes in your direct traffic will give you an idea of the changes in band awareness.

Product naming Guide

Track Brand Search Volume

Brand search volume tracks how many customers come to your website from organic branded search terms. Similar to direct traffic, a brand name can only be searched if customers are aware of the brand, making your search volume indicative of brand awareness. 

Use Social Listening

Social listening involves going online and analysing the different organic conversations that mention your brand across the internet and social media platforms. These unsolicited opinions will provide you with unbiased opinions of your brand, giving you a chance to view your company the way your customers do.

Run Brand Awareness Surveys

Perhaps the most straightforward and useful method to measure brand awareness is through the use of brand awareness surveys. It involves getting direct feedback from your customers to get an idea of brand awareness levels, as well as brand perception. You can create and deploy your brand awareness survey through Voxco’s omnichannel survey solution.

Track Social Engagement

Engagement refers to likes, shares, comments, followers, and any other activity taking place on your social media accounts. When you have an increasing social engagement, it means that more people are becoming aware of your brand and are engaging with it. Therefore, increasing levels of social engagement can reflect increasing levels of brand awareness.

FAQs on Brand Awareness

Companies such as Apple Inc., Coca-Cola Company, The Walt Disney Company, PepsiCo Inc., and Microsoft Corp. have really strong brands that are known by people worldwide. They have achieved really high brand awareness, and are all leading companies within their own industries.

A few prominent advantages of having high brand awareness are:

  • Increased customer loyalty
  • Increased sales and revenue
  • Increased word of mouth marketing 
  • Increased credibility

 Brand recognition refers to when customers are able to recall a brand when asked a prompted question on the brand. Brand recall, on the other hand, refers to when customers are able to recall a brand when asked an unprompted question about a specific product category.

Market Research toolkit to start your market research surveys and studies.

Why Choose Voxco?

Before you can begin to fix something, you must fully understand it. You must, therefore, track brand awareness before you can take measures to fix it. Let’s look at a few tools that Voxco has, that can help you effectively track brand awareness:

Omnichannel Survey Solution

Voxco’s survey software allows you to create surveys and deploy them across multiple channels. Additionally, all responses are collected and stored on one integrated platform, allowing for an easy evaluation of data.

Dynamic Dashboards

Voxco’s powerful and dynamic dashboards update live and can conduct a deep analysis of your data to help you extract actionable insights from your brand awareness survey.

Question Type Library with more than 100 Options

With Voxco, you have access to a question type library comprising of 100+ different question types. This allows you to make your surveys more unique and interesting, increasing your survey response rate.