Agree Disagree Survey Questions


Agree disagree survey questions Panel Management
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Gathering targeted audiences’ views, and opinions and insights ascertaining their preferences is a fundamental application. Agree-disagree questions are types of questions through which respondents to surveys express their agreement or disagreement with a statement in a clear-cut manner. 

The ways the questions in the survey are interpreted and responded to, by the target respondents are affected by several factors. The understanding of agree-disagree questions dynamics is critical for a researcher to obtain reliable and meaningful survey results because they depend on several factors for interpretation and response.

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What are the agree disagree questions in a survey?

Have you ever interacted with a brand’s customer service for some reason and come across their customer support feedback survey asking questions like:

Examples of agree disagree questionnaire

Q1. Our customer service agent had the necessary knowledge about your query. 

  • Strongly agree 
  • Somewhat agree 
  • Neutral  
  • Somewhat disagree 
  • Strongly agree 

Q2. I think technology has more benefits than drawbacks in modern society.

  • Strongly agree 
  • Somewhat agree 
  • Neutral  
  • Somewhat disagree 
  • Strongly agree 

In survey research, these types of questions are called agree/disagree survey questions, clearly named after the answer options they have. Agree disagree questions allow the respondents to select their level of agreement and disagreement with a stated opinion in the question. 

Generally, agree disagree survey questions have a range of answer options ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree. So, the more detailed options you include, the more specific responses you can get from the respondents about their feelings. 

Although it looks like an easy question to frame and layout, we will discuss more about what tips and tricks you need to keep in mind while asking an agreement-disagreement question.

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Biases affecting survey responses to agree disagree questions

In this section, we will strive to comprehend the biases impacting the respondents’ choice of answer to agree and disagree questions. 

Cognitive bias:

Survey responses are susceptible to cognitive biases like confirmation bias and availability bias. 

A respondent may lean towards agreeing with your survey question that aligns with their existing belief regardless of its objective truth; this is known as confirmation bias. For example, a respondent with a positive perception of your brand is likely to agree with a statement supporting the brand’s product quality, even if the evidence is weak. 

Conversely, availability bias results to picking a response that is based on an event that was memorable or that occurred in the recent past. For instance, when a respondent has read a positive review about the product they would be more likely to accept a statement which suggests that the performance of the product is good.

Social desirability bias: 

People tend to choose the “agree” option because they think it makes them likable. When you look at a crowd, most of them prefer to have an opinion that will align with the majority rather than having an opinion of their own. This can bring bias in your responses.  

Social desirability bias can result from impression management and fear of judgment. For example, a respondent might agree with environmentally friendly products even if their actual behaviors don’t reflect this preference. 

Straight-lining responses:

Another challenge with agree and disagree questions comes up when the researcher decides to compile all the small questions into a matrix of agree-disagree questions. The main question will ask the respondents to rate the statements below based on their agreement or disagreement with them individually. Although, the grid design makes the respondents less aware of what they are selecting. 

This phenomenon is called straight-lining, where the respondents move through the statement, selecting the same answer options for all of them without thinking. 

Demographic influence:

Factors like age, income, gender, and education can significantly influence how your customers respond to the agree disagree survey questions. For example, younger consumers might agree to adopt innovative technologies in products in comparison to an older demographic. 

When designing survey questions, recognizing and mitigating these biases is crucial to capture accurate and relevant insights. 

Find out more: Ultimate Guide to Demographic Segmentation

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Designing a agree-disagree survey question

We understand the response biases involved in using agreement-disagreement questions in your survey, so let’s see how you can carefully design the question to avoid gathering biased data. 

How many answer options should you include?

In 2010, Lietz put forth a study on questionnaire design issues, concluding that between a 5-option scale and a 7-option scale, the 7-option scale is more reliable. The 7-option scale gives more options for the respondents to choose from. 

Her study advised using “weekly agree and weekly disagree” to the previous answer options. In contrast to Lietz’s study, in 1971, Jacoby & Mattell suggested that 3-point scales are enough when it comes to gathering responses to close-ended questions. More options bring in more noise, hence making it difficult to make sense out of closely related answer options like “Somewhat agree” and” weekly agree”, which have a very thin line between them. 

Related Read 9 Mistakes To Avoid While Adding Survey Questions

Should you include the “Neither agree nor disagree” option?

Studies have proved that including a middle option like “Neither agree nor disagree” or “Neutral” attracts 6-23% of respondents. The key concern with such middle options is that people tend to choose this option as a resort to just answer the question, which will satisfy the researcher by limiting cognitive effort.  

In 2010, Sturgis highlighted the real meaning behind “Neither agree nor disagree,” which can either be that the respondents “Don’t know” their opinion or they don’t have an opinion of agree or disagree. After researching the respondents who opted for “Neither agree nor disagree” and asking them what exactly they mean by that, the majority of them said that they did not have an opinion and that “Don’t know” would have been a better categorization. 

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The dynamics of the agree-disagree question play a pivotal role in shaping the survey results. Its simplicity makes it versatile and applicable in diverse fields such as market research, social sciences, healthcare, and more. 

To mitigate biases and enhance the reliability of survey results, crafting unbiased questions, considering the order, and pilot testing the surveys are crucial steps. The field of survey research is dynamic, and embracing robust survey software can contribute to improving the survey research process.


1. What are the agree-disagree questions in surveys?

In order to measure the attitudes, beliefs and opinions of people on a particular subject, we usually use Agree or disagree survey questions. These questions, which are also known as Likert scale type items require that the person should respond indicating if he/she supports the idea forwarded.

2. What are some examples of agree or disagree questions?

Some agree or disagree questions are as follows: 

  • “I believe climate change is primarily caused by human activity.”
  • “I think technology has more benefits than drawbacks in modern society.”
  • “Education is the most effective means to reduce poverty.”
  • “Vaccines are essential for public health”
  • “Social media has a negative impact on mental health.”

3. What are the five inquires that you should include in a survey? 

Though the queries differ, the following five types of interrogatives are always present: 

  • Demographic Questions : These are from where we collect basic information concerning the respondent; these include such things as age bracket, sex, levels of educational qualification among others. 
  • Opinion or Attitude Questions : These seek to know the perspective that the respondent holds concerning given matters.
  • Behavioural Questions : These are about past or current behaviours, actions or experiences of the respondent regarding the survey object. 
  • Open Ended Questions : These are questions that provide room for respondents to give detailed answers without any restrictions thereby giving more insights that can’t be captured using multiple choices.
  • Likert Scale Questions : are a form of psychometric that usually contain statements or scenarios and ask the respondent to indicate the intensity of their agreement or disagreement, satisfaction level, frequency of occurrence among others.

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Agree disagree survey questions Panel Management

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