How to Accelerate Survey Research?

Accelerate your research with high-quality samples


Methodological Limitations of Survey Research2

Be it for a new product, new policies, new programs, or a service, research needs good data, and good data takes time! 

Research is, in fact, synonymous with time. Identifying and gathering the relevant information takes time, and so does analyzing the data.

But since research is the core of every new project and provides you with insights into dynamics and opportunities for growth, you can’t compromise its quality while trying to accelerate the research process.

Traditionally, survey research may take days to months which includes all the time spent in collecting responses, screening them, analyzing, and then reporting. 

So, before we move on to discussing how you can accelerate your survey research, let’s first understand what hinders it. 

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What Slows Down Survey Research?

It is a popular belief that using online surveys cuts time by a huge margin than using survey methods such as offline surveys, IVR, and CATI. Well, it is not entirely wrong. But, even when you’re using online surveys, there’s no saying that your survey research won’t be delayed. 

Here’s why: You may create a great survey and share it with respondents, but it may remain in their inbox for days, weeks, or even months before they notice it and decide to complete it. Or, they may start your survey, find it too long and give up mid-way. 

This can lead to a high nonresponse rate which is not a good indicator for your survey research. 

Nonresponse can arise in two basic ways:

  1. Noncontact of selected units: Inability to make contact with units selected in a survey can be a significant main contributor to nonresponse, particularly if a survey is compulsory. The level of noncontact will depend on the quality of information on the frame about a unit, and the processes followed to make contact. 
  2. Refusal to participate, fully or partially: Once contact has been made with a selected unit, there is still the chance that the unit will refuse to cooperate and provide some or all of the information requested.
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Why is nonresponse a problem? 

Nonresponse has two effects on the statistical results: it contributes to an increase in sampling variance of estimates as the effective sample size is reduced from that originally sought, and it contributes to the bias of estimates (along with coverage bias) when nonrespondents differ from respondents in the characteristics measured. 

For sample surveys, the uncovered population is usually estimated by benchmarking the sample to the target population (which will adjust for nonresponse and frame coverage problems) or to the frame representing the target population (which will adjust just for nonresponse). When the non-covered population differs from the covered population in terms of variables of interest, the estimates would be subject to under-coverage bias (even though an adjustment for under-coverage is made in the benchmarking process). 

So basically, the delay in survey research sprouts from slow or no responses from your sample population. 

However, if you take advantage of the technological advancements and the capabilities we have now available, you can easily get faster responses and speed up your research process. 

But how? Today, there are tools that can help you reduce your research time from months to hours

 For instance, Voxco Audience is a fully automated market research platform that enables researchers to tap into a vast pool of 10Mn+ B2C and B2B professionals across 50+ countries while ensuring quality and increased sample feasibility between project and vendor

With 60% proprietary samples and 90+ data & profiling points, it lets its users add panelists without leaving the platform at 20-30% less ad hoc cost while cutting down the time of research from months to hours. 

What’s more? Researchers can improve conversion-to surveys with many panel vendors, maximize impact with high-quality first-hand data and conduct on-demand omnichannel survey research.

Want to accelerate survey research with high-quality responses?

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