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Top 10 Customer Satisfaction Survey Questions


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Are you someone who’s been offering products or services to a large number of customers and now wants to understand the impact your product or service has made? If yes, then a customer satisfaction survey or a CSAT survey is the best tool to go about it. 

To help you create a better one, we’ve listed the ten best customer satisfaction survey questions that you can add to your survey to gauge customer experience. But before we jump to the questions, let’s touch up on a few basic concepts.

Improve Customer Retention

What is a customer satisfaction survey?

A customer Satisfaction (CSAT) survey is a questionnaire that is used to gauge your customers’ experience with your product, service, or support interaction.

Customer satisfaction surveys help you understand your customers’ needs, problems, or expectations from your product or services based on their CSAT scores.

This is what a typical customer satisfaction survey looks like:

CSAT survey questionnaire product experience

In a CSAT survey, different rating scales are used to measure changes over time and acquire a better idea of whether or not you’re reaching your customers’ expectations.

Related: How to measure CSAT Scores

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Why do you need a customer satisfaction survey?

Customer satisfaction surveys are essential for retaining customers by offering useful information about how consumers view you.

Here are some of the reasons why you need customer satisfaction surveys:

1. Create a rapport with the customer

Begin the dialogue and demonstrate to customers that their opinions count. If you act upon the input, you may transform customers into brand ambassadors and advocates, increasing your reputation through word of mouth. Word-of-mouth marketing is the most trusted type of advertising, and it is entirely free! You just must first earn it.

2. Understand what works

You risk damaging a good thing with blind tweaks if you don’t know what’s working. For example, you may believe that a product isn’t making enough income owing to low margins and intend to modify it. 

However, a customer satisfaction survey may demonstrate that a low-margin product attracts a large number of customers, making it a loss leader that generates additional revenue.

3. Make things right

Customers that have a bad experience may not necessarily complain; they may simply leave and never return. This is because most individuals dislike starting fights. 

A customer satisfaction survey, on the other hand, invites conversation, which makes customers more willing to speak up about a poor experience.

Importantly, this offers you the opportunity to put things right and keep the customer on your side.

4. Look for fresh opportunities

Allow customers to provide further comments about how you can best serve their requirements. This can lead to new possibilities to grow your product lines or services based on direct customer feedback, increasing your chances of success. 

Not only will this increase customer purchasing, but it will also increase customer loyalty and repeat business.

What are the different types of customer satisfaction survey questions?

The following are the three most popular forms of customer satisfaction survey questions;

1. Product Application

When it comes to customer success and pleasure, your company must collect product or service feedback. 

Finding out how pleased your consumers are with your offer gives significant information to your marketing and product teams, which can be utilized to boost customer retention.

In this area, you might ask the following questions:

  • How long have you had the product?
  • Which options did you think about before buying the product?
  • What would you change if you had the chance?
  • What are the most valuable product features, in your opinion?

2. Demographics

Demographics are important for marketing and sales teams because they help organizations split customers into buyer personas. This classification aids employees in visualizing their target audience by classifying customers based on important qualities. The information may then be used by marketing and sales teams to chase prospects that are most likely to convert.

When asking these sorts of questions, remember to be proactive and inclusive. These questions should not be necessary, therefore, always give users the opportunity to leave them blank. Your aim is to obtain accurate information, but you don’t want to jeopardize the customer’s comfort.

Consider including the following demographic questions in your next survey:

  • How old are you?
  • What city are you in?
  • What gender do you identify as, if applicable?
  • What is your current job situation?
  • Do you have children, and what is your marital status?

3. Open-Text

Open-text questions are survey questions that allow participants to type their answers into a text box. This enables people to completely express their ideas using their own voices rather than the company’s pre-written comments.

While they might take some time to evaluate, these questions encourage participants to be honest and allow them to discuss any issue. When understanding your customers’ basic values, open-text questions may be really useful.

Here are some open-text questions for your next survey:

  • Tell us how we can improve our services for you.
  • Did your experience meet the expectations you had from us?
  • What would you say was the memorable interaction you had with our brand?
Improve Customer Retention

Top 10 Customer Satisfaction Survey Questions

If you’re stumped on what to ask your customers, here are some examples of customer satisfaction survey questions:

1. How frequently do you make use of the product or service?

Why ask- When it comes to customer success and pleasure, your company must collect product feedback. If you don’t, assessing customer needs and providing effective solutions becomes more challenging.

This gives vital information to your marketing and product teams, which can be leveraged to boost customer retention.

2. How important is sustainability to you when purchasing a product?

Why ask- The psychographic question may appear intrusive, yet they are really useful pieces of information that provide insight into the reasons behind your customers’ purchasing behaviors.

This question is useful in customer satisfaction surveys since they allow you to infer how you may better serve your consumers.

3. What issue do you want to tackle with our product?

Why ask- This is a question that wants information that analytics cannot generally provide. In this question, you request the sort of solution your customers are asking for.

This allows you to concentrate on your product’s best features while also prioritizing any future updates.

4. Did you encounter any issues or difficulties when using our website?

Why ask- This is a fundamental question that user experience (UX) professionals use to develop better online layouts and features. This question can assist an e-commerce company in identifying design, usability, and user interface issues (UI).

5. How did this effort stack up against your expectations?

Why ask- This is a satisfaction survey question that might tell you whether or not what you’re doing is meeting the demands of your customers. If your customers have to put in more work than they expected, it should give you pause for thinking.

6. What were you doing [to succeed] before you discovered [your firm or product]? And what drew you to [the earlier solution]?

Why ask- This question is critical since it focuses on determining what “success” means to your customer. Although the concept originated in the software business, it is as relevant to an e-commerce store.

7. Why did you select our product over a competitor’s?

Why ask- Here, you request information on the features that set your product apart from the competitors. You’re curious about what swung the scales in your favor.

It is critical to understand not just what may be improved, but also what your customers perceive to be excellent and useful.

8. Could we contact you again if we were to update (insert product feature here) to discuss the changes?

Why ask- This question allows your team to contact the participant again in the future.

This is useful when you are implementing changes and want to collect updated feedback from the same customers who were surveyed previously.

9. What would be one word you’d use to describe us and why?

Why ask- This question allows users to fully express their opinions using the customer’s voice instead of the company’s pre-written responses. This question encourages the participant to be honest and gives them the freedom to address any topic. 

10. Is there anything else you’d like us to know?

This is a very universal question about customer feedback. Whatever the topic of your survey, it is always beneficial to inquire if your customers have anything additional to say.

It can provide you with fresh insights, perhaps on topics you would not expect. As a result, you can take important steps much more quickly.

Real Examples of CSAT Survey Questions

Here are some good examples of CSAT survey questions from brands:

1. Livestorm

Livestorm is a customer success software that is used to run online meetings, webinars, and virtual events. It is one of the many satisfied users and has automated the collection of user feedback.

Here’s an example of how Livestorm makes use of surveys: When a webinar closes, they send an NPS survey to customers who have been on the premium plan for more than 15 days (i.e., at the correct time). 

The customer is then asked to post a review on G2C and/or Capterra if their NPS is more than 8 (since they are more likely to leave a review + provide a good review).

2. Apple

Apple collects user input regularly to remain ahead of the competition and improve its products. For example, in 2014, Apple released a 38-page survey to iPhone owners to learn about their perceptions of Android. 

The survey contained standard segmentation questions, CSAT and NPS questions, plus in-depth questions to elicit further information.

3. Skype

Skype is a prominent video conferencing tool and another excellent example of how to perform customer satisfaction surveys. Skype believes in resolving customer issues as soon as possible, which they accomplish by soliciting customer feedback immediately after each conversation.

Skype’s customer service survey questions are quite concise and focus on the most critical parts of the service they deliver. Every survey will include a question regarding the overall call quality and specific technical areas that may be improved.

These surveys are highly detailed, and they go directly to the point.

The combination of rating, multiple-choice, and open-ended questions in Skype’s customer satisfaction surveys exemplifies how to keep your consumers involved while collecting useful information.

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The key to researching customer happiness is to ask the proper questions. Of course, you may ask questions such as “How pleased are you?” but the responses will not give you extremely precise and significant findings.

Use customer satisfaction surveys to gather the information that can help your firm make long-term, beneficial improvements. When you understand how your customers feel, you can make decisions that enhance revenue and customer retention, allowing you to expand more effectively.

Do not forget to mention a decent online survey platform, such as Voxco, will make this procedure easier. It has a variety of built-in survey templates to assist you in creating surveys quickly.

Creating a customer satisfaction survey is easy with a template

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