Vendor Evaluation Survey Template

Survey Templates 04

For vendors supplying goods and services to clients it is necessary for them to track the quality of service which they provide, so that they can foster long term relationships with their clients. The time taken for delivery, quality of goods provided, nature of interaction with the agents, are various parameters on which the vendors can evaluate themselves. 

It can also be useful to the vendors to compare themselves with other vendors which their clients use  in terms of different parameters like delivery schedules, timeliness of deliveries, back order fulfillment, display effectiveness, accuracy of invoices, discounting policies etc. 

This will help them identify key areas where they can improve themselves in order to cement relations with their current clients and possibly land new clients as well.

With so many parameters involved it would be really a task to design the perfect evaluation survey for your clients. But at Voxco, we have you covered with our handcrafted Vendor Evaluation Survey Template.

Download our Vendor Evaluation Survey Template

Why Voxco for Vendor Evaluation Surveys?

  • With its diverse range of questions, Voxco’s vendor evaluation survey template will help you thoroughly evaluate your position
  • A mix of open ended and close ended questions will enable you to get valuable insights from your client.
  • Wherever your clients are. Send them evaluation surveys using Voxco’s online survey tool and store all the data in one place.


A vendor evaluation survey is a questionnaire prepared by a supplier to get insights and feedback from its clients in order to gauge their performance.

Vendor evaluation surveys should be conducted to identify key gaps between the expectation of the clients and performance of the vendor in order to bridge the gap and fulfill the clients’ expectations

You can ask a mix of open and close ended questions to get feedback. There can also be ranking questions –  provide various parameters and ask the client to rank you on them. NPS questions can also be included to know if your clients would recommend you to others.

A vendor evaluation survey is best conducted after a transaction has been completed with the client – i.e a consignment has been delivered or service has been provided.