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Contact Center Agent Reports

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What are Contact Center Agent Reports?

Using the right softwares and technology, almost every metric relating to contact center agent performance can be reported on. This includes metrics such as number of  calls that come in, the time taken to answer them, and the outcome of the call. These reports reflect information about how each agent is performing against key performance metrics.

Contact Center Agent Reports1

Contact center reports help answer questions such as:

  1. How many customers are calling with regards to the same issue?
  2. How many calls result in additional sales?
  3. How many calls are handled every day and their duration?

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Types of Contact Center Agent Reports

Contact Center Agent Reports2

The following are a some contact center agent reports commonly used to assess agents :

  • Agent Login Report
    • An agent login report is used to report on an agent’s attendance and shift adherence management. A lot of contact centers will have compensation that is linked to shift adherence, making it one of the most important call center agent reports.
  • Agent Productivity Report
    • This report measures each individual agent’s performance capabilities. This helps categorize agents into top and bottom performers. Agent productivity reports show their talk time, wrap time, conversion rates, and first call resolutions.
  • Agent Activity Report
    • Agent activity reports help monitor activity log in, to see if the hours logged in by the agents sync with their roster. This helps in ensuring that agents are logging in within their scheduled work hours. Some other metrics that this report covers include break times and the number of calls they answered.
  • Agent Breaks Report
    • An agent breaks report helps supervisors and team leads ensure an adherence to rosters. This can be used to identify agents who are taking too many or too few breaks (too few breaks can lead to a dip in performance), before agents are communicated with. 

Why should you use Contact Center Agent Reports?

Contact Center Agent reports are used by contact centers to track agent performance on a daily basis. 

  • Aligns agents with Organizational Goals
    • Companies often use contact center agent reports to ensure individual call center agents are aligned with the organization’s goals and objectives. They can do so by monitoring agent productivity to help identify when agents may be performing less than adequately, or not upto the organization’s standard.
  • Track Agents KPI 
    • Agent key performance indicators like downtime, calls per day or average call times should be tracked on a daily basis. These KPIs help in improving call center and agent productivity by identifying when agents are performing well or less than adequately. 
  • Highlights Areas for Agent Improvement
    • Agent reports can help supervisors in identifying the areas in which an agent may need training and development as agent productivity is reflected on these reports through a variety of metrics. 
  • Improved Organizational Culture
    • Agent reports create a culture of continuous accountability and improvement as agents’ performance in the call center is continually tracked, ensuring that they’re aware of their performance and how they can improve it.
  • Increased Agent Motivation
    • These reports can motivate agents to further improve their performance as they help create a benchmark for agent productivity, giving agents a standard of productivity to work toward.
  • Higher Agent Engagement
    • Agent reports increase employee engagement as the reports are often used to give feedback to employees and to set a benchmark for agent productivity within the call center. This, in turn, can increase employee retention and improve employee satisfaction.

Who uses Contact Center Agent Reports?

There are two broad user groups that use contact center agent reports:

  • Supervisors
    • Supervisor groups, or team leaders, require real-time metrics to efficiently monitor and manage their agent workforce.
  • Heads of Customer Support/Experience
    • These users require reports for an overall view of performance metrics, whether that be on a daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis. This helps them ensure better workforce management, productivity, and customer satisfaction levels.

Three main categories for Contact Center Agent Reports

When we categorize Contact Center Reports by what they are used for, we find the following three categories:

Reports that Measure Customer Experience (CX)

  • Using organizational guidelines or predefined service level agreements (SLA’s), reports measuring CX can be made. Reports that measure CX are key indicators of a call center’s performance.

Performance Reports 

  • These reports produce metrics about the skills of a team or an agent. This helps you understand your agents’ adherence with regard to aspects such as SLA’s, average handle time, abandon rates, log-in times, and other such productivity metrics.

Long-run Operational Report

  • This category includes reports that are more focused on the “big picture”. Hence, they reflect how to make improvements in/for the long-run. These reports focus on operational details. 

Why choose Voxco for Contact Center Agent Reports?


  • Voxco CATI eliminates the need for agents to carry out mundane tasks such as dialing. This speeds up processes in the call center and resolution of customer issues, leading to better business outcomes.

Omnichannel Routing

  • Using Voxco CATI’s seamless omnichannel integration aids in optimizing multi-mode studies. With the integration of phone, online and offline survey channels, you can improve customer engagement and empower agents to productively interact with customers. Additionally, Voxco IVR (interactive voice response) helps route calls to interviewers best suited to address customer concerns.

Greater Quality Control

  • Voxco Dialer facilitates live audio monitoring, as well as full or partial call recordings. These features can be used for analysing agent performance. Additionally, this interface facilitates visual customization of interviewer activity status.


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