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Survey Features

Multiple questions per page

Integrate multiple questions in a single page for your survey

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What are “multiple questions per page” in a survey, and how do they work in a survey/questionnaire?

Today’s survey softwares can allow researchers to have the option of integrating multiple questions per page in their surveys. Multiple questions per page surveys can come in handy when one wants to conduct comprehensive surveys. These surveys have been made possible mainly due to tech advancements, with high resolution displays allowing for more questions on a page than was previously possible.

Where can you use multiple questions per page in a survey

Generally there is no hard and fast rule for when you should use this survey methodology. You have to design your surveys with your target audience in mind – will they get frustrated and quit if they have to go through multiple pages to progress in the survey? If yes, then multiple questions per page would be quite useful in this scenario.

There’s also the matter of context – let’s say you’re conducting a survey about a car. You could give all important details at the top, and use this survey type to query your respondents on multiple aspects about the car within the same page itself. Or you could even ask multiple questions on each page to get feedback on different attributes of the car. 

See the Multiple questions per page​ Questions in action

Check out how to use a Multiple questions per page​ Question in a survey​

Advantages of multiple questions per page in a survey

Reduced survey length: By adding multiple questions per page, researchers can effectively reduce the overall length in their survey, by asking multiple questions based on the same topic itself.

Better survey completion rates: Reduced survey length directly impacts your completion rates, and respondents are likely to feel less fatigued by your surveys.

Responsive: Modern smartphones and tablets are fully capable of handling surveys with multiple questions per page.

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