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Survey Features

Multiple Choice Grids

Use multiple choice grid questions to build engaging surveys that perform well! 

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What is a multiple choice grid?

The multiple choice grid question enables respondents to choose multiple answer options per row or column in a particular question. Featuring a grid format, this question type comes with multiple rows and columns and is considered to be convenient for online surveys. By adding questions in rows and their corresponding answer options in columns, multiple choice grids enable researchers to uncover insights into a specific topic.

Example of a multiple choice grid

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Where are multiple choice grids used?

As this question type empowers researchers to evaluate various parameters of a product or service, it is considered to be highly crucial for evaluating the effectiveness of related attributes. In case there is more than one answer option for a particular subject, using multiple choice grid questions is a convenient way out. Moreover, using multiple choice grids can help to simplify questions by enabling users to enter data effortlessly.

See the Multiple Choice Grids Questions in action

Check out how to use a Multiple Choice Grids Questions in a survey​

What are the advantages of using multiple choice grids?

Occupies less space: As long surveys have high drop rates, it’s important to keep the surveys short & crisp. Using multiple choice grids takes up less space which makes them easy to answer. 

No more tedium: Using dichotomous questions in your surveys can make them monotonous leading to low response rates. With multiple choice grids, you can rectify that issue by using answer options as a checkbox, radio buttons, text-input, etc.

Quick and ease of use: With multiple-choice grids, the respondents don’t need to write anything (as in the case of open-ended questions). By selecting an option and moving on to another question, it lets participants finish surveys quickly contributing to high response rates. 

Better Analysis: By seamlessly covering multiple attributes related to a product/service, including multiple choice grids make it easy to identify the areas of improvement. It also enables researchers to discover what’s performing well.

Discover the Latest Cutting-Edge Survey Features for Informed Decision-Making

✓ Drag-and-drop Interface 

✓ 40+ Question Types 

✓ Skip Logic and Branching

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