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Block randomizer question

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What is a block randomizer?

When you present the survey to the respondents with a fixed question order, there is high chances of order bias. Meaning, your questions are in a certain way that influences the respondent to select the answer option which might not be what he thinks.

To solve this, we have a randomizer question type, where each survey question will be randomly placed, and the questionnaire order changes every time. Another way it advanced randomizing, where the answer options are shuffled to avoid order bias. 

Another way of avoiding order bias in your survey result is using block randomizer. Lock randomizer refers to displaying questions in one block and displaying those blocks on random, and real-time, to the respondents. It gets some questions together to form one block, and there are various blocks in the survey throughout. You can further decide to randomize every question inside each block as well.

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Why should you frame a survey using block randomizer?

The quality of data you can collect from a survey depends on factors like how you frame your questions around the topic, length and depth of them, number of total questions and research method used. 

We here talk about that one factor that affects data quality, that is order of questions. Respondents tend to get affected by the sequence of questions in a survey. Example, they might get bored answering rating questions one after the other, and end up answering the survey randomly. Hence, the question order influences answers. This is known as order bias. Moving forward with such biased data will only give you incorrect insights and conclusions. 

Block randomizer allows you to randomize the blocks of questions as well as individual questions inside every block. This eliminates the risk of order bias, providing accurate data and correct insights.

Example of block randomizer

Lets say a school decided to take an all subjects test of students of class 5th. All subjects include math, science, history, geography, and English. Teachers decide to frame one survey with various sections under it. Each section will represent one subject. So there will be section A: Math, section B: Science, section C: History, section D: Geography, section E: English. 

Each section has 10 questions of the respective subject. The test survey creator has used a block randomizer. Where each student will get a shuffled order of the sections. Like, student 1 gets sections in order A-C-D-E-B. student 2 gets B-D-C-E-A and so on. 

Furthermore, the sections are also randomized based on each question. So if two students accidentally get the same section order, they will still get shuffled questions inside each section.

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Advantages of block randomizer question

  • The important focus of block randomizer is to eliminate order bias that happens with a specific order of questions. It influences the answer option selection of respondents.
  • Questions of the same type or category might be boring and dull to answer. This has high chances of increasing survey abandoning rates. with block randomizer questions can be shuffled to have different types and demands from the respondents, keeping them interested and keen about answering them.

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