Opinion Survey

Create an engaging, powerful Opinion survey with ease

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What is an Opinion Survey?

An Opinion Survey, or Opinion Poll, is a survey of public opinion from a specific sample. This kind of survey is used to obtain data relating to the opinions of a population by asking a sample group a set of questions. This sample group must be reflective of the overall target population so that the results of the survey can be generalised. 

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See Voxco survey software in action with a Free demo.

See Voxco survey software in action with a Free demo.

What are the Benefits of Using Opinion Surveys?

Let’s look at a few benefits of using opinion surveys:

High Representativeness

Surveys allow you to capture the opinions and preferences of a small sample group that is representative of a much larger population. When compared to other methods of data collection, opinion surveys are the best as the results are generalizable to the target population.


Surveys allow you to obtain information that is generalizable to a much larger population. This makes surveys cost-effective as they provide insights on a large population at a more economical cost. 

Reliable Results

Surveys allow for a degree of standardization as the same survey is sent to a set of respondents. A standardised stimulus improves the reliability and precision of the data collected through the survey and makes the results more useful.

Flexibility in Data Gathering

Opinion surveys are a great way to gather feedback as surveys can be administered to respondents in so many different ways. They can be conducted face-to-face, on-call, via email, website, social media, and more.

No Observer Subjectivity

Surveys provide participants with a standardised stimulus, minimising or completely eliminating researcher bias. This helps attain high reliability in regard to the results. 

Explore all the survey question types possible on Voxco

Explore all the survey question types possible on Voxco

What are the Different Characteristics of an Opinion Survey?

The following is a list of a few prominent characteristics of Opinion Surveys: 

Survey Sample Determination

Before you can deploy your survey, you must determine your survey sample. This includes determining an appropriate sample size and an appropriate sampling method with which you will select units from your target population.

Survey Creation

It is important that your survey includes the right questions so that you can obtain useful and reliable data for your study. You need to decide the different question types that will be included and the rating/measurement scales that you will employ.

Survey Data Collection

There are many different methods that can be used to collect survey responses. Depending on your target population, financial limitations, and other variables, you can decide the data collection method best suited for your study. Some commonly used methods of data collection are face-to-face, online, telephone, and paper/print. 

Survey Data Analysis

Once, you’ve obtained your survey responses, it will be time to conduct perhaps the most integral part of your study: analysis of the data to obtain useful insights. There are many different kinds of analysis methods that can be employed depending on the kind of research you are conducting. It is important to choose the method most suited to your study in order to get the most accurate and reliable results. 

Tips to Create an Effective Opinion Survey

Let’s look at a few Do’s and Don’ts when it comes to creating an effective opinion survey:



Survey Creation

It is important that your survey includes the right questions so that you can obtain useful and reliable data for your study. You need to decide the different question types that will be included and the rating/measurement scales that you will employ.

Survey Data Collection

There are many different methods that can be used to collect survey responses. Depending on your target population, financial limitations, and other variables, you can decide the data collection method best suited for your study. Some commonly used methods of data collection are face-to-face, online, telephone, and paper/print. 



Survey Creation

It is important that your survey includes the right questions so that you can obtain useful and reliable data for your study. You need to decide the different question types that will be included and the rating/measurement scales that you will employ.

Survey Data Collection

There are many different methods that can be used to collect survey responses. Depending on your target population, financial limitations, and other variables, you can decide the data collection method best suited for your study. Some commonly used methods of data collection are face-to-face, online, telephone, and paper/print.