Next-Best Actions Software

Make the Right Decisions & Refine Customer Engagement Model

Target every high-value customer with an optimal experience. Change how you serve and interact with your customers with Voxco Intelligence’s Next Best Action Software.

✓  50+ Integrations           

✓   No-code Platform

✓   24X7 professional service

✓  10X faster data analysis

Trusted by 500+ brands over 40+ countries, Voxco Intelligence helps build customer-centricity and move toward CX excellence.

Make Customer Experience Your Competitive Advantage

Next Best Action Next-Best Actions Software

Maximize Customer Lifetime Value:

Understand what customers want to achieve from your brand. Optimize their experience with targeted offers at the optimal time and gain loyal customers for life.
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Drive Satisfaction & Engagement:

Boost customer engagement by interacting with them on the right channel. Offer them the product/services relevant to their search and improve satisfaction.
Next Best Action Next-Best Actions Software

Boost Long-term Profitability:

Reinvent your strategy for customer experience by putting customer insights at the heart of your decision-making.

Take the Next Best Action with Voxco Intelligence

Next Best Action Next-Best Actions Software

Create 360 view of customer:

Unify customer data (structured & unstructured) across multiple sources to create a unique customer profile.  Integrated customer data is converted into intelligent insights to make consistent decisions across your business operations.
Next Best Action Next-Best Actions Software

Make sense of data: 

Extract meaningful insights from customer data with advanced analytics. Identify patterns in customer behavior to understand them better. Leverage AI to slice and dice millions of data in real-time and receive recommendations on what to do next.
Next Best Action Next-Best Actions Software

Understand your customers: 

Anticipate what a customer is looking for or what they will need next. Predict the probability of churn or convert or opportunity for upsell/cross-sell.  Segment customers based on past and present behavior to develop approaches best fit each customer/segment.

Setup alerts & triggers: 

Send the right customer insight to the right team at the right time to ensure that accurate & immediate actions are taken.  Leverage predictive analytics to enable your customer-facing teams to receive proactive recommendations on what actions to take next or how to engage customers further.
Next Best Action Next-Best Actions Software

Optimize customer journey: 

Leverage ML models to identify the best path forward for different customers or use cases. Identify the optimal offers, products, or services you can recommend to your customers.  Intervene at the right time to deliver exceptional services and boost customer lifetime value.
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Deliver the right offer in the right channel:

Leverage omni channel customer experience platform and give your customers a flawless experience across every device and channel.  Create a better customer experience and increase satisfaction by engaging them with their preferred channel.

For Any Industry 

Next Best Action software can be applied across any industry of any size.

Next Best Action Next-Best Actions Software


Re-innovate online and in-store experience for high-value customers by recommending personalized offers, products, or services.
Next Best Action Next-Best Actions Software

Financial Services

Empower your frontline agents to make smart decisions by providing real-time recommended actions.
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Identify potential deflection, upsell opportunity, or potential conversion of a subscription package. Receive recommended actions to develop strategies that will lead to immediate conversions.