Voxco Research

Multi-Factor Authentication

Strengthen access security with two-step user-identity verification

Multi-Factor Authentication Multi-Factor Authentication
Multi-Factor Authentication Multi-Factor Authentication
Multi-Factor Authentication Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-factor authentication allows SaaS users to access the Voxco Survey Platform (Online + Multimode) via email with a 2nd authentication factor. 

More Power to the Users

Enable Users and User Groups Authentication Settings

Multi-Factor Authentication Multi-Factor Authentication
Multi-Factor Authentication Multi-Factor Authentication

Activate or deactivate MFA for all users or only a group of users

Applying MFA to all user groups will update all user groups except the administrator’s user group with the selected value (Inactive or Active)

Choose the outgoing email configuration you want to use to send second-factor authentication to the user.

Multi-Factor Authentication Multi-Factor Authentication
Multi-Factor Authentication Multi-Factor Authentication
Multi-Factor Authentication Multi-Factor Authentication

View Roles and User Groups Multi-Factor Authentication column visibility

Manage user group properties with a radio button

Multi-Factor Authentication Multi-Factor Authentication

Personalize the token length
(10 min by default)

Multi-Factor Authentication Multi-Factor Authentication




Reporting Portal

Pronto Dashboard + IVR Script Editor

Voxco Agent (Command Centre AND multimode) 

IntWeb (Command Centre AND multimode) 

Send the code by SMS and or by Authentication App