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Employee Feedback Survey Template

Survey Templates 04

Download our Employee Feedback Survey Template

Why is customer satisfaction important?

Customers switching companies cost organizations a total of $1.6 trillion annually. But why do customers switch? 

Because companies are not able to match customer expectations – a problem that can be easily resolved by conducting regular customer feedback surveys. The top reasons why customer satisfaction matter are pointed as below: 

Important indicator for customer repurchase decisions :

If customers are happy with the interactions with the brand, it will lead to continuous repurchase cycle leading to improved profits over the long run. 

Lower customer churn & Improve customer lifetime value:

A ‘totally satisfied customer’ contributes 2.6 times more revenue than a ‘somewhat satisfied customer’. Furthermore, a ‘totally satisfied customer’ contributes 14 times more revenue than a ‘somewhat dissatisfied customer’. Satisfied customer leads to improve Customer lifetime value for any brand. 

Cheaper to retain customers than acquire new ones : 

It costs six to seven times more to acquire new customers than it does to retain existing customers. Therefore, it is profitable to ensure your current customers are satisfied. 

How can Voxco help in improving customer satisfaction scores?

Voxco has been used by customer-centric companies like Sephora, Yves Rocher, Mayo Clinic, American Health Association, Decathlon and many more to align customer expectations with customer service & offerings by intensive customer feedback collection.