Emerging trends in Patient Experience and how to meet them


Free Download: Enhance your Patient Experience program by using these major PX trends. Increase Patient Satisfaction. Reduce Churn. 

With the addition of more and more touchpoints for interacting with patients, the scope of what is considered the traditional patient experience has greatly expanded.

The healthcare industry has had to adapt their PX considerably to cope with the turmoil brought upon by the covid-19 pandemic. Patient Engagement and satisfaction are increasingly important in a world where everyone needs to be more careful and knowledgeable. 

Telehealth - Is your Patient Experience with it up to par?

Although telemedicine/telehealth has been around for a few years now, 2020 has seen zero-contact medicine become a necessity. One could say the technology has seen itself successfully move from the trial stage into the real world. 

Like it or not, today’s younger customers are more demanding than before and are willing to switch healthcare providers or doctors in an instant. Following up with them via online surveys to query them about their telehealth user experience will go a long way in making them feel valued and help reduce patient churn as well.  

Patients say they have used a patient portal

Telehealth is also an excellent channel for delivering personalized patient care. Getting user feedback on your facilities’ online touch points will help you deliver an overall better patient experience.

Implementing Customer and Employee best practices from across verticals can improve the patient experience

At its core, PX has many similarities with employee and customer experience in general. You gather feedback from your customers (Patients) and Employees (Doctors, nurses, admins, auxiliary staff) and uncover insights which can help you meet your goals and improve healthcare outcomes. 

Which is why your patient experience surveys must also query respondents on issues common to all verticals and industries. These can include satisfaction surveys, and employee wellness surveys.

Augmenting HCAHPS with more survey tools is essential for a holistic Patient Experience

HCAHPS/ CAHPS surveys were mandated to gauge PX, but they can be off the mark – be it through reachability constraints or because there is no online option for taking them. The most effective technique to reach patients for HCAHPS surveys would be a telephonic survey solution.

While these are a reliable source of insights, it does limit the scope of HCAHPS survey in the context of overall patient experience. An omnichannel healthcare survey platform can help your organization augment these questionnaires with a whole host of survey modes allowing you to conduct surveys via multiple channels (Online, face-to-face). You can also ask additional questions that go beyond the HCAHPS mandate, which can net you valuable real-time insights into PX directly related to your organization – equipping you with the tools you need to improve it. 

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Download The Patient Experience Trends for 2021

Enhance your Patient Experience program by using these major PX trends. Increase Patient Satisfaction. Reduce Churn

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Leveraging technology key to delivering a proactive Patient Experience

Ensuring a positive and holistic PX is a constant process, for which you must set up a comprehensive Patient Experience program. Your tech stack will play a key role in the direction your PX takes. A well implemented tech stack can enable you to simplify patient onboarding and referrals, which will reduce churn as well as bring in more customers. However, this may also increase patient expectations – Equipping your organization with a survey platform which can conduct healthcare surveys will help you gain insights on where your tech stack is lacking – whether its data privacy, an unintuitive online presence or problems with your telehealth portal.

Patient engagement is the name of the game

If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that a more knowledgeable patient can be the cornerstone for a healthier society. Patient engagement is a key aspect to ensure this, as well as a better overall patient experience. 

Patients say being aware of appointment length ahead of time would change their attitude about the appointment

Patient retention is far cheaper in the long run than acquiring new patients, and healthcare organizations need to ensure that their tech stack is geared at improving patient engagement.

Customer engagement via any channel helps healthcare organizations in offering more personalized patient experiences, along with reducing patient churn.

Check out our Patient Experience Hub for tips, tricks and guides into improving your PX!

Voxco is trusted by Top 50 Market Research firms, Global Brands & Universities in 40 countries. Voxco offers full omnichannel capability including CATI, Predictive Dialler, Online surveys, offline CAPI, and Panel Management.
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Sidhant Shori is a Content Marketer at Voxco. He's got a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science Engineering and leverages his interest in market trends as well as his experience in creating content. He's also a Sci-Fi geek and enjoys video games and movies and also likes reading thrillers.

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